
DLL example in Delphi Prism 2010

Can somebody tell me where to find an example in how to make an DLL (WindowsControlLibrary) in prism? In the old Delphi, you make an export section. ...

Why does Delphi Prism complain about System type mismatches?

I encountered a strange compiler error in Delphi Prism 2010 that I am unable to resolve. The error is calling a method on an object defined in a third-party assembly that manipulates a specialized image format. The assembly itself was compiled against the .Net 2.0 Runtime. Despite providing the correct list of parameters, I consistently...

Why we need Delphi prism

What is the need to use delphi prism instead of Visual studio; i am a delphi programmer so i like object pascal but what else are that delphi prism have that other does not have ...