I'm trying to call Window's SendMessage method in Delphi Prism, I've declared the class as follow:
MyUtils = public static class
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet := CharSet.Auto)]
method SendMessage(hWnd:IntPtr; Msg:UInt32; wParam:IntPtr; lParam:IntPtr):IntPtr; external;
When I trie...
I wrote my method: LangChange
MainForm = partial class(System.Windows.Forms.Form)
method LangChange();
method Dispose(disposing: Boolean); override;
method LangChange();
However,I have an error
Error 1 (PE33...
Have you developed much with Delphi Prism 2010 or 2011? If so, what are your chief complaints? I can't seem to find much critique on the relatively new releases. What do you use it for? .NET apps on Windows? On a different OS? What do you like best about it?
I'm making a project in C# and I want to use Unmanaged Exports and later to use it in Delphi. So can anyone explain me, how does Unmanaged Exports works, then how to use/import in Delphi. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Express, on Windows 7 64 bit
I have created below simple testcase in Delphi Prism. When I run the testcase using Gallio Icarus, it returns a This test is not supported by any available test framework.
I can think of only two reasons why this might be happening
I am missing something (really) obvious. A setting, a missing initialization somewhere, ...
It is not po...
I'm new to Delphi Prism 2011. Where can I find step by step instructions for writing and testing a basic Hello,world type website? I need to write, run and debug a simple website to see how the IDE works and to be sure that the installation including the link with Microsoft IIS is correct. An alternate tutorial giving the same informa...
How to load (and use) DLL-function SetWindowsHookEx in Delphi Prism? Where to find the definition or the value of WH_KEYBOARD_LL?
And how may I write
in Delphi Prism?
I've read and successfully tried the answer to How can I pass a Delphi string to a Prism DLL?, but wondered if it was possible to use a similar method to pass a Delphi array of integers (static or dynamic) to a Prism DLL.
Is it somehow possible to use the Delphi language (or Prism if absolutely necessary) to develop programs for the Android platform ?
Any starting point ?
Does anyone have a good delphi-prism example of receiving and interpreting a WM_COPYDATA message? I'm particularly interested in how to deal with the message data structure.
I know that since "native" delphi and delphi.net are different technologies it is unlikely to produce a tool that can migrate your old dfm forms to win forms for delphi prism. However is there a tool that facilitate such migration? Basically I have a "native" delphi project that I want to migrate to delphi .net, it is a desktop applicati...
I'm trying to use WM_COPYDATA to copy data between two Delphi Prism applications on the same computer.
In the sender application I have the code:
CopyDataStruct = public record
var dwData: IntPtr;
var cbData: System.Int32;
var [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst := ...
I have a data object
Data = class
s: string;
i: Integer;
with many of them in a list (or some collection):
var ol : List<Data> := new List<Data>;
ol.Add(new Data(s := 'One', i := 1));
ol.Add(new Data(s := 'Two', i := 2));
ol.Add(new Data(s := 'Three', i := 3));
ol.Add(new Data(s := 'Four', i := 4))...
What is the need to use delphi prism instead of Visual studio;
i am a delphi programmer so i like object pascal but what else are that delphi prism have that other does not have
i have some vcl.net apps(delphi 2006 , .net 1.1 ) and i like to port them to delphi.net 2007 .
but i like to port it to delphi prism as it has mono support so i can port it on liux and support to latest .net framework(but i know mono supports full .net 1.1),as prism is completely new and vcl is deprecated how to upgrade my app to prism. ...