These days, any decent Windows desktop application must perform well and look good under the following conditions:
XP and Vista and Windows 7.
32 bit and 64 bit.
With and without Themes.
With and without Aero.
At 96 and 120 and perhaps custom DPIs.
One or more monitors (screens).
Each OS has its own preferred font.
Oh my! What is a ...
When I create a thread I save it handle in a list.
After a time I want to check which of them still exists.
I'm not looking for other kind of implementation, I want to know if is there some how to get a thread by it handle ?
Using either Delphi 2007+ or Lazarus(Win64) I'm looking for a way to determine if a dll is compiled as x64 or x86?
I got a LZMA library on 7-zip site, but that didn't worked.
I'm not using files, just stream.
And for some why the library on 7-zip site just write the header on the stream but not compress the stream.
Some one faced the some problem ? Have some example ? Know other LZMA library for Delphi ?
After installing the QuickReport 5.0 version, I get property error messages on all Reports of my previous versions.The error message is FormName.Frame.Color: property not found.
Tried with removing all the properties of Frame but I need them. How do I solve this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanking you.
is there any data fitting component for delphi7 ?
In Delphi, it is possible to create an array of the type
Arr: array[2..N] of MyType;
which is an array of N - 1 elements indexed from 2 to N.
If we instead declare a dynamic array
Arr: array of MyType
and later allocate N - 1 elements by means of
SetLength(Arr, N - 1)
then the elements will be indexed from 0 to N - ...
One would think that there would be a Font property for MainMenu, since there is one for just about everything else e.g. Buttons, Labels, etc.
Hi All
I have decided (whether it's for better or for worse), to start learning Delphi. But, Is it available in Visual Studio? Or is there an IDE for it? I googled Delphi, but came up with some really weird sites.
If I have variables a, b, an c of type double, let c:=a/b, and give a and b values of 7 and 10, then c's value of 0.7 registers as being LESS THAN 0.70.
On the other hand, if the variables are all type extended, then c's value of 0.7 does not register as being less than 0.70.
This seems strange. What information am I missing?
How do I make an autoinc field in firebird with Zeos.
I try to write a kind of object/record serializer with Delphi 2010 and wonder if there is a way to detect, if a record is a variant record. E.g. the TRect record as defined in Types.pas:
TRect = record
case Integer of
0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Longint);
1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPoint);
As my serializer should work recu...
I've got a text file that arrives at my application as many lines of the following form:
<row amount="192.00" store="10" transaction_date="2009-10-22T12:08:49.640"
comp_name="blah "
name="Accrington ...
I have a contact management application written in Delphi which has a “Sync with Outlook” feature that I developed 10 years ago. Now, I’m going back to add some features and fix some bugs. This sync feature uses the Outlook object model to get started, but it has an optional mode called “Use MAPI Enhancements” where it uses pure MAPI t...
Hi, I need to save a Template.Serialize in a Blob Field, How do it?
s : string;
s := Templ.Serialize; --- > size less that 1632 bytes Whay?
I have legacy code (I didn't write it) that always included the encoding attribute, but recompiling it to D2010, TXMLDocument doesn't include the enconding anymore. Because the XML data have accented characters both on tags and data, TXMLDocument.LoadFromFile simply throws EDOMParseErros saying that an invalid character is found on the f...
I have two questions:
How to hide cursor for all programs? I tried to hide the cursor by using
ShowCursor, but it only works in my program. The cursor still appears when moving
cursor outside of my program.
How to disable mouse operations for all programs? I use SetWindowsHookEx to hook mouse and prevent other programs to processing th...
I'd like to embed an executable inside of my Delphi binary and extract it at runtime. The purpose of this is to ensure that a helper utility is always available on the system, without having to distribute multiple files.
With Delphi 2007 I have used JvDataEmbedded, but I am building a console application and I want to know if anyone kn...
I am using Delphi 2010, and when I created a console application that prints "Hello World", it takes 111 kb. If I want to query WMI with Delphi, I add WBEMScripting_TLB, ActiveX, and Variants units to my project. If I perform a simple WMI query, my executable size jumps to 810 kb. I
Is there anyway to query WMI without such a large addi...
I've been very happy with the Delphi IDE for programming in Delphi.
But I've heard about the Lazarus programming environment, and I've also heard that some Delphi programmers use it instead of the Delphi IDE.
What are the advantages that Lazarus has over the Delphi IDE, and why would, or should a Delphi programmer switch to it?