
How to improve the use of Delphi Frames

I've used frames in Delphi for years, and they are one of the most powerful features of the VCL, but standard use of them seems to have some risk such as: It's easy to accidentally move or edit the frame sub-components on a frame's host form without realising that you are 'tweaking' with the frame - I know this does not affect the o...

Locking down RAD Studio internal browser security.

I use Firefox as my web browser, mostly for access to add-ins such as Flashblock and No-script. I noticed yesterday that the RAD Studio internal browser used for the Welcome Page etc has scripting and Active X etc enabled. Is there a way to disable scripting, or better still, block all access to non-local sources in the built-in browser?...

Avoiding the need to call ProcessMessages

I've got a component I created that embeds a hardware-accelerated renderer in a TWinControl so you can place it on a form. It works pretty well in most cases, but if I try to resize the control, everything goes blank until the message loop runs and calls the WndProc for the renderer, which is hosted in an external DLL. This means that ...

Delphi syntax for a table indexed on two or more fields

I have a Table indexed on field1 and on field2. How do I specify, in the TTable component, that both indexes are active. I tried: IndexFieldNames := 'FIELD1, FIELD2'; It didn't work. ...

Circular reference fix?

Hi! I have a Player class in a separate unit as follows: TPlayer = class private ... FWorld: TWorld; ... public ... end; I also have a World class in a separate unit as follows: TWorld = class private ... FPlayer: TPlayer; ... public ... end; I have done it this way so that the Player can get data from the world vi...

Accessing the _CopyArray procedure

Is there a way to access (and call) procedures like _CopyArray that are defined in the interface in the unit System? NB: I am trying to create a routine that makes a deep clone of any dynamic array, and do not use Delphi 2010 (using Delphi 2007). The reason why I am trying to solve this without using Copy is the fact that I have only a...

How do I perform an HSL transform on a texture?

If I have an OpenGL texture, and I need to perform HSL modifications on it before rendering the texture, from what I've heard I need a shader. Problem is, I know nothing about shaders. Does anyone know where I would need to look? I want to write a function where I can pass in a texture and three values, a hue shift in degrees, and sat...

Why 2 GB memory limit when running in 64 bit Windows ?

I'm a member in a team that develop a Delphi application. The memory requirements are huge. 500 MB is normal but in some cases it got out of memory exception. The memory allocated in that cases is typically between 1000 - 1700 MB. We of course want 64-bits compiler but that won't happen now (and if it happens we also must convert to uni...

Delphi: Using Enumerators to filter TList<T: class> by class type?

Okay, this might be confusing. What I'm trying to do is use an enumerator to only return certain items in a generic list based on class type. Given the following hierarchy: type TShapeClass = class of TShape; TShape = class(TObject) private FId: Integer; public function ToString: string; override; ...

Delphi Prism getting Unknown Identifier "DllImport" error

I'm trying to call Window's SendMessage method in Delphi Prism, I've declared the class as follow: type MyUtils = public static class private [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet := CharSet.Auto)] method SendMessage(hWnd:IntPtr; Msg:UInt32; wParam:IntPtr; lParam:IntPtr):IntPtr; external; protected public end; When I trie...

how can i see how much of the stack space is currently used in my delphi app?

how can i see how much of the stack space is currently used in my delphi app? i had a very strange error that sounds like stack trouble. i'd like to add it to my app's log to get some idea how much stack space is in use/remaining. using the debugger is probably not so great because the routine can be called many times. thank you! ...

Winform without .NET framework ?

Hi, I have to create few forms and give it as direct EXE (instead of installer, which installs .NET framework, which the end user is not happy, they want something they can directly open and work). I know it can be done as web, but am looking for winforms? Please suggest which tool/technology can handle this? Thanks, Karthick ...

File Format Conversion to TIFF. Some issues???

I'm having a proprietary image format SNG( a proprietary format) which is having a countinous array of Image data along with Image meta information in seperate HDR file. Now I need to convert this SNG format to a Standard TIFF 6.0 Format. So I studied the TIFF format i.e. about its Header, Image File Directories( IFD's) and Stripped Ima...

How to Create a Simple Dictation Pad in Delphi2009+Vista

the code are not so complecated.. private { Private declarations } SpSharedRecoContext1 : TSpSharedRecoContext; fMyGrammar : ISpeechRecoGrammar; procedure SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(ASender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant; ...

How to get socket ID/handle/descriptor for an already open connection? (.NET,C++,Delphi)

Hello all, my question is stated in the title. How exactly do I do that? I have an open connection and I want to "hijack" it and send my custom messages through it. From my understanding that is done with sockets and their handlers. Any language would do but C#.NET is preferred. Thank you UPDATE: What exactly am I trying to achieve...

How to Make a exe files with Delphi?

Hi friends. I want to make a "Setup Maker" App with Delphi. How can I create a exe files? for example : Delphi Itself Compiler. Tanks to All. ....NiliDelphi.... ...

Extremely slow insert from Delphi to Remote MySQL Database

Having a major hair-pulling issue with extremely slow inserts from Delphi 2010 to a remote MySQL 5.09 server. So far, I have tried: ADO using MySQL ODBC Driver Zeoslib v7 Alpha MyDAC I have used batching and direct insert with ADO (using table access), and with Zeos I have used SQL insertion with a Query, then used Table direct mode...

Delphi and CreateProcessAsUser example?

Does anyone have an example of how to use CreateProcessAsUser in Delphi? I'm using Delphi 2009, not the .NET Delphi. ...

Any hints for those that want to upgrade from Delphi 7 (and down) to Delphi 2010?

Hi. After update 4 and 5 I am interested to re-evaluate Delphi 2010. This time I intend to port some of my code (small scale) to see how difficult is to do it at large scale. The main issue seems to be the ascii to unicode conversion. Any tips or resources about this that you have found useful? Many thanks. Edit: At this point my r...

How to modify TList<record> value?

Delphi 2010 How to modify TList < record > value ? type TTest = record a,b,c:Integer end; var List:TList<TTest>; A:TTest; P:Pointer; .... .... List[10] := A; <- OK List[10].a:=1; <- Here compiler error : Left side cannot be assined to P:=@List[10]; <- Error: Variable requied ...