Check the screenshot below from Omnigroup, note the nested cards, how do you think we can implement a similar one in Delphi? Custom draw Virtual treeview? Any other hints? Thanks!
We have a database and our client is written with Delphi 2007. The latest Interbase 2009 is used. The database is old, I believe it was created around 2002 and is now over 25 GB. Recently I discovered that in IBConsole
generate 'åäö'. It should be 'ÅÄÖ'. This is swedish characters that are missing in the English alphabet...
The code below (from this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2405899/how-to-use-delphi-2010s-new-wic-capability-on-canon-files) opens a WIC image into a BitMap.
However, if the dynamic range of WIC pixel values is large, this code loses a lot of information, since it has to scale the wide dynamic range into the low range that a ...
I have been looking at system.pas
Delphi can call up to 65,000 memory blocks from windows
When Delphi makes an object dose it call a memory block for its data
And if so does the class some how load a register with a memory address for that memory block and an address for the methods too that is placed in another register.
Does any one kn...
hi..i use this code:
while not sqlDebtors.eof do begin
fAmtOut := 0;
fAmt := 0;
sBranch := sqlDebtors.fieldbyname('Branch').AsString;
while (not sqlDebtors.Eof) and (sqlDebtors.FieldByName('Branch').AsString =sBranch) do begin
fAmtOut := fAmtOut + sqlDebtors.fieldbyname('Outstanding').asfloat;
fAmt := fAmt ...
Is there way of copying the whole array into another array? Other than using a for-loop.
Does the move or copy command work for this?
I did try but it had an error: "Incompatible types".
Should I stick to the for-loop?
D6 Prof.
We have a special application with a special grid. It have a HintWindow what can show other informations that cannot place in cells. For example long memos.
When you move the mouse to a cell, it is waiting for 2 sec, and show the informations.
The problem of this theme that HintWindow is not working properly, or in same w...
Hello. I am programming a desktop application in Delphi. So far I've been using TWebBrowser component for 1) loading a page completely and 2) THEN sending Javascript to it (Webbrowser.Navigate('javascript: join_game()')
But I don't really like that, because I have to wait for the TWebBrowser to completely load the page. I don't use it f...
Hi All,
I am using SQL Server 2008 Web Edition and it seems my SQL queries are automagically having the double quotes replaced with ' + CHAR(34) + '. I am trying to pin down why this is happening, I am using Delphi with ASP.NET and using the ADO.NET object for the SQL.
Has anyone come across this before?
I have Delphi 6 prof, with Win7.
We have many projects. Some of them are favourites, commonly used/edited.
Formerly I used GExperts' fav. files that is shown in "Open dialog" for this.
But this is vanished with Win7.
The main problem that Delphi don't forcable to use a folder as initial folder.
What's this meaning?
When I start a...
I open a document with
and I want to save it to a stream after it is closed but I get
cannot open file used by another pr...
I am drawing text on TCanvas using TextOut() but I need a different text color.
What can I do?
The following code does not generate a compiler warning in D6. Can I make it warn me about pointing ps at an integer when I have told it that ps points to a string?
procedure Test;
i: integer;
s, m: string;
ps: ^string;
s := 'Test message';
ps := @s;
m := ps^;
MessageDlg(m, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); // This dis...
Hello All!
I'd like to download a file from my Delphi program in a separate thread dedicated to the download.
The problem is that the main program can be closed any time (thus the download thread can be terminated any time as well). So even if there is no connection or the server lags for precious seconds I need a way to terminate the ...
Hi there,
How to convert this Delphi code :
cnCursorID1 = 1;
Screen.Cursors[ cnCursorID1 ] :=
'c:\winnt\cursors\piano.ani' );
Cursor := cnCursorID1;
to C++ Builder
I have a C++ Builder DLL that must link against a Delphi package (BPL), and I think it is possible that the Delphi package may need to be rebuilt to allow it to be used by both C++ Builder and Delphi, but I don't know which options need to be set on the Delphi package.
The current problem is that "UnitX.obj" is not found (ILINK32 error)...
I have not yet found the best solution for this. I have a non modal dialog that can be opened in unlimited instances by a hotkey in the application. Even the dialog itself can open a new instance. I want those dialogs to always be front of the main application window. I have tried a couple of things.
Set FormStyle to fsStayOntop. This ...
I need to send a windows message to a TDataModule in my Delphi 2010 app.
I would like to use
PostMessage(???.Handle, UM_LOG_ON_OFF, 0,0);
The TDataModule does not have a Handle. How I send a windows message to it?
Im using Delphi and I want to make an application that can do the following
When started from within Terminal services (remote desktop), if another user logs into another terminal services session they should be able to see the application running in the desktop tray. However if a user sitting at the server logs in then they shoul...
I tried to make the connection with indy tcp but this didnt work, So
I was looking for a RTMP library in Delphi to generate request to a rtmp:// server. Anyone knows a free/open source library that allow me to do this?
Thanks, BBLN.