
What's the best way to manage dependencies between versions of separate components?

I ran into this problem at my old job, and now again at my present one, which means I either have extremely bad luck, or am not aware of some tool or organizational system which can solve this problem. In both situations, the end product was comprised of several independent components, each of which communicated through an agreed interf...

Plugin dependency best practices

We have an application supporting plugins via interfaces. On the other side plugins contain lots of logic and code in themselves. Plugins have dependencies (project and dll references) to application libraries beside the interfaces that application exposes. Application core libraries have lots of reusable components that can be used in...

What libraries ship with support for the Java 6 ServiceLoader facility (META-INF/services) ?

I'm wondering what adoption rate is of the (now officially supported) ServiceLoader facility in Java 6. I'd like to begin using it as a preferred way to locate dependencies. Obviously this would be made much easier if the jars already ship with with the necessary configuration file in place. Just poking around I was happy to see the MyS...

How to execute an Ant task only when source files have been modified?

There must be an easy way to do this. I build a Flex app using ant that depends on a SWC library, which works fine except that it rebuilds the library whether it needs to or not. How do I tell ant to only run the task if any of the sources files of the library (*.as, *.mxml) are newer than the SWC? I've looked at <dependset> but it ...

logical & physical components

For this group assignment we have to produce a design document which includes a decomposition of the system/intermodule dependencies as well as interprocess dependencies. We are warned to be aware of the differences between logical and physical components. Could someone please explain to me what each is? Thanks. ...

Is there a good dependency analysis tool for Python?

Dependency analysis programs help us organize code by controlling the dependencies between modules in our code. When one module is a circular dependency of another module, it is a clue to find a way to turn that into a unidirectional dependency or merge two modules into one module. What is the best dependency analysis tool for Python co...

Rails: Best practice for model dependency class locations?

I have a rails app moving along fairly well, but the fact that I'm doing this myself means that some poor sod is eventually going to see this and say, "What the hell were you thinking? Why did you put this here?!?!" Where is that poor, sorry soul going to expect to see a series of classes that aren't used by anything but a single model...

XSD: How to depend the "use" attribute (required/optional) with the other value?

Hello, I'm trying to do some specific stuff in XSD XML Schema: I want to set an element as use="required", only if there a specific value to some attribute of other element. Example: <udi att1="all"> <name att2="dsd"/> <phone att3="dsd"/> </udi> I want the that the "phone" element will be a required one, if the "at...

Has anybody real world experience with buckminster?

I'm currently evaluating ivy, maven and buckminster to ease our build process. Conceptually buckminster seems the most advanced, but also to have quite a complexity. I can't find so many first hand experiences to buckminster on the web, therefore my question to the Stackoverflow community. ...

LINUX: Is it possible to write a working program that does not rely on the libc library?

I wonder if I could write a program in the C-programming language that is executable, albeit not using a single library call, e.g. not even exit()? If so, it obviously wouldn't depend on libraries (libc, ld-linux) at all. ...

Resolve dependencies on data model without cascading delete

Data model: tTemplate (TemplateId int PK) tPage (PageId int PK, TemplateId int FK) tEmailMessage (EmailMessageId int PK, TemplateId int FK) Requirements: Deleting a template should be permitted only if there are no dependencies on it. The TemplateService is responsible for deleting templates: new TemplateService().Delete(myTemplate...

Create a cache dependancy on a folder and its sub-folder

In ASP.NET I would like to store an object in the cache which has a dependancy on all the files in specific folder and its sub-folders. Just adding the object with a dependancy on the root folder doesn't work. Is there in any reasonable way to do this other than creating a chain of dependancies on all the files? ...

How can you re-arrange items in an array based on its dependencies? and also detect any cyclic dependency

Given the type: class Field{ public string Name{get;set;} public string[] DependsOn{get;set;} } Let's say I have an array of Field items: List<Field> fields = new List<Field>(); fields.Add(new Field() { Name = "FirstName" }); fields.Add(new Field() { Name = "FullName", DependsOn = new[] {"FirstName",...

How to exclude all transitive dependencies of a Maven dependency

Hi, Right now, in Maven2, to exclude a single transitive dependency, I have to do something like: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>sample-artifactB</artifactId> <version>1</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>sample-artifactAB</artifactId> ...

Could not load file or assembly error

Can anyone help me figure out what the problem is. I am trying to start up a C# winformsa app in visual studio and i keep getting this error: Could not load file or assembly, Foo.dll version1.93343 or one of its dependencies The system can't find the file specified vs 2005, C# 2.0 any help ...

Is there a SIMPLE example of How to use buckminster

I don't understand buckminster at all. Lets say I have a project, and it needs log4j and junit4. How do I get started, what do I need to do, to specify the dependencies and have the dependencies added to my classpath in eclipse. Is there any tutorial which shows how its done? ...

.Net Deployment Project's Detected Dependencies magically un-excluded

I have a Visual Studio 2005 .NET solution that has 20+ sub projects including a deployment project. The VS2005 .NET deployment project has a number of detected dependences, that have been manually excluded and corrected values manually added in. Sometimes however, these detected dependencies get magically un-excluded, which triggers a ...

Do you define an interface for every public class in your domain model? Pros and Cons?

Do you implement an interface for every public class in your domain model? Pros and Cons? Update: If Repositories interfaces and domain model classes are defined in separate assemblies, wouldn't there be circular dependency if we do not define interfaces for every domain class. ...

Dependency on fixture data in rails initializer

I have an initializer which sets a default that is used throughout the app. The value is an ActiveRecord model, I'm essentially caching it for the lifetime of the app: @@default_region = Region.find_by_uri("whistler") The record is guaranteed to be in the database: it's fixture data which is referenced by other models. This works fine...

Is platform enforced versioning mechanism most sorely needed feature of java?

As developer, I am often interested in new language feature that can make your life easier. For example, java 5 brought generics and annotations to the language, features that can definitely boost your productivity. However, when I look back at close to a decade working on java platform, I find that the versioning related problems are t...