
Wordpress limits - system design consideration.

I am designing a system for a customer. We are thinking about using Wordpress as a main platform (instead of writing our custom software), and customize it using addons or hiring developers to write some custom modules. We need to have an ability to have some static pages, few php pages, and lot of user generated content. What limits do...

How big is too big (for NTFS)

I have a program and as it's done now, it has a data directory with something like 10-30K files in it and it's starting to cause problems. Should I expect that to cause problems and my only solution to tweak my file structure or does that indicate other problems? ...

Webserver for a desktop application – design consideration

We are moving our Delphi application to a new environment – it will be .NET. Some parts of an app will be moved to distributed processing, some will be moved to web servers. Therefore, this is an architecture shift from monolith desktop application to distributed system. Migration of current Delphi code to .NET is an issue itself (some c...