
Create destinations for all bookmarks in a PDF file with iText API

I'd like to write some Java code that takes a PDF document, and creates named destinations from all of the bookmarks. I'm thinking that the iText API is the easiest way of doing this, but I have never used the API before. How would you go about writing this sort of code with the iText API? Open, find bookmarks, create destinations, sav...

How can i get the destination url in javascript onbeforeunload event?

I've searched for hours, but I couldn't find a solution for this. window.onbeforeunload = warn; This doesn't work: function warn (e) { var destination = e.href; alert(destination ); } Okay, so to clear the things. If the user clicks on a link on the page itself, it is easy, because you can add an eventhandler to all of the ...

Multiple Origins - Multiple Destinations

I either have a blonde moment or am attempting something a bit out of my league, but here it goes ;) I have an optimization question. It is only somewhat traveling-salesman-ish. Lets say I have a set of destinations and another corresponding set of origins. I need to link each destination with one origin so that the variation between...

In UDP, destination

In UDP, destination IP and destination port number are used to demultiplex the packets, but in TCP destination IP, source IP, destination port number and source port numbers (4-tuple) all needed to distinguish between the connections why reasoning for this usage. ...

Is there any way to transfer my PDF destinations in my original file to an updated PDF document?

I set destinations in my PDF file, when I go to update the Word file in the future, is there any way to transfer my PDF destinations in my original PDF file to an updated PDF document? ...

JMS Destination creation at deployment with Glassfish 3.0.1

I'm currently trying to 'port' my Java EE 5 Application from Jboss 6 M2 to Glassfish 3.0.1 Jboss used to create my JMS Destination Queues a deployment-time thanks to the -service.xml files. I really liked this feature and I would like to find a way to do the same thing on Glassfish. Is this even possible ? ...

Having two destination folders using NSIS

Currently the product I work on uses NSIS to create it's installer. It works great, we love it. But now, with some of the issues arising with manipulation of data in program files on Windows 7 and such, we would like to have to separate destination folders during install. One destination will be where all the program files are held, whi...

Remembering destination when logging in

When I want to redirect a user to a specific page behind a login wall and they're not already logged in, they get redirected to the homepage where they can login. When they login, they are redirected to a default address. How do I go about remembering where the users original destination, before they were redirected to the login page? ...

JMS QueueRequestor and deleted Destination

I'm using Activem MQ 5.3.1 My configuration is good for classical async messaging I try to use a QueueRequestor The message is effectively sended, recieved. But when it's time to answer on the temp queue i've got this exception raised javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: temp-queue://ID:...... ...