
Upon USB insert, record unique identifer sting, format drive to FAT32 and copy a file. Bash or Python.

Hello, This is what I want to do, insert USB flash drive. mount it. record uniquie identifer string to a file. format the drive to FAT32. copy a text file to the drive. unmount it. remove the drive. 30 times The situation is this, I have bought 30 usb drives. I need to format each one to ensure they are clean, I need the unique str...

Ruby Detect method

Select makes sense. But can someone explain .detect to me? I don't understand these data. >> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].detect { |x| x.between?(3,4) } => 3 >> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].detect { |x| x.between?(3,6) } => 3 >> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].detect { |x| x.between?(3,7) } => 3 >> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].detect { |x| x.between?(2,7) } => 2 >> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].detect { ...

Detect content in textarea (jQuery)

How do I check if there's any content in <textarea> ? I need to addClass based on that condition. Many thanks ...

Detect DVD Burners in Windows

Is there anyway to dectect available DVD burners in a windows system using c++? I know how to detect all available drives but I would like to be able to detect which ones have the ability to burn DVD media. ...

UITableView Detecting Last Cell

How can I detect when a tableview has been scrolled to the bottom so that the last cell is visible? ...

Detecting autocomplete on form input with jQuery

I have a form that detects if all the text-fields are valid on each keyup() and focus(); if they're all valid, it will enable the submit button for the user to press. However, if the user fills in one of the text inputs with a browsers autocomplete feature, it prevents the submit button from being enabled. Is there a way to detect if an...

Flash - time from press

I am working on a little project, what's goal is a working widget system in Flash - by creating a separate class, and loading Flash movies into this, then dragging them around the screen. I ran into a little problem when I was writing the dragging code: I can not found any code what can easily get the time from the function call. To be ...

Detecting Virtualization

I have an inline assembler function detects program runs on Virtual Machine or not. But in 64bit inline assembly is not available anymore, here x64 intrinsics now. Is there another way for detecting it? Here is the code works for 32bit VMWare bool IsInsideVMWare(void) { bool rc = true; __try { __asm { push edx push ecx p...

Detect the minimum permissions PHP needs to write to a directory: 0777, 0770 or 0700?

Imagine some script & its folders was uploaded with FTP. Usually, the folder permissions are wrong and the script should suggest which permissions to set. Certainly, it's not good to set 0777 for everything I'm going to write to. But there're 3 possible webserver configurations: PHP user = user FTP. Thus, writing needs 0700 The user is...

Having Android WebView detect and popup email dialog or phone call dialog

On the android, when the built in browser comes across an email or a phone number and it is pressed, a dialog box comes up for each. However, if i navigate to that url inside my Application's webview, this no longer is the case. Is there anyway for my webview to exhibit the same properties as the browser application in detecting email...

detect barcode scanner from web browser

In a jee web application, I need to read data from barcode scanner(connected to the user's machine - client side),display the data in a textbos and send the code back to the server.I think I understood how to do it. Is it possible to detect whether the scanner is connected/turned on and if not, display a warning in the web page that th...

How to detect WebKit Inspector?

I know how to detect Firebug in FF (if (window.console && window.console.firebug) alert ('Buu'); ) but how detect or disable Web Inspector in WebKit?? ...

How can I output a calculated value using .detect in Ruby on Rails? (or alternative to .detect)

I currently have the following code: events.detect do |event| #detect does the block until the statement goes false self.event_status(event) == "no status" end What this does is output the instance of event (where events is a string of different Models that all collectively call Events) when the event_status method outputs a "no ...

Network probing on IPv6

I am familiar using IPv4 broadcast of UDP packets as a technique for probing the network looking for servers running a given service. I.E. the broadcast packet is sent out on a given port and the listening servers can reply to this packet and the reply will allow the client to know the ip addresses of the available servers. I am wonder...

How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?

On Launch of the application, I want to detect if the device running is rooted. Is there proper way of detecting it? I don't think trying to write a file to '\data' to see if rooted is a good solution. (Since even rooted devices may have that path unprivileged) ...

How does a function detect string pointer vs string literal argument?

I have encountered a function, such that it can differentiate between being called as foo("bar"); vs const char *bob = "bar"; foo(bob); Possibilities I have thought of are: Address of string: both arguments sat in .rdata section of the image. If I do both calls in the same program, both calls receive the same string address. RTTI...

Detect return key in textarea and if a certain string is present write a line to textarea [javascript]

Basically have a large textarea, and I want to be able to do a few things with it; Detect when the user presses "enter" to go to a new line, and When enter is pressed, if the line contains a certain string let's say "hello", a line would be written to the textarea that reads "hello to you." I cannot, for the life of me, detect a str...

Detect address from UITextView and show it map on tap

There is an option in UITextView properties to detect address from the the text view text. However I am not able to do that. The text view is not in editable mode. Do you know how to detect address from text view? Is there a format that the address must have to be detected from the text view? ...

How to detect the character encoding of a file in Java?

Good day, Our application receives files from our users, and those files must be validated if they are of the encoding type that we support (i.e. UTF-8, Shift-JIS, EUC-JP), and once that file is validated, we would also need to save that file in our system and its encoding as meta-data. Currently, we're using JCharDet (which is a java ...

Detecting if a string contains a "real sentence"?

Is there some library out there that can figure out if a given string of characters contains a "real sentence" in English, meaning that it contains words from English? (The sentence need not make sense, but it should contains real English words) For example, the following is not a sentence (at least in English:) - hsgdhjf asdf dsusdf u...