
How do you detect multiple iphone OS, equal to and greater than, using macros?

Hi, I am trying to execute different things depending on what os the users iPhone is using. Currently I have the below, which says - "if the device is 3.1, post this message" #ifdef __IPHONE_3_1 NSLog(@"this device is 3.1"); #endif But, How can I get it to say - "If the device is 3.1 or higher, post this message" ? ...

Task manager close is not detected second time in a WinForms Application

private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Do you really want to close?", "Close?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; } } } So...

How to Detect a Right Click on Taskbar in WPF

I've got a WPF application in C# that starts off with a loading dialog. As expected, a button for the app shows up in the Windows taskbar. I would like to detect right-clicks that might be done to that button. Ultimately, I hope to disable the right-click or simply have the loading dialog regain focus. I've seen that some people use cu...

git gui app to show detected renames

Hi. Is there a git gui app (for commiting) that shows detected renames? Git-gui currently shows me a lot of deleted and new files instead of renames. TortoiseGit does not work at all on my system. Intellij's Git somehow does not detect any modifications to commit. TIA. ...

Validation of user input or ���������

We're letting users search a database from a single text input and I'm having difficulties in filtering some user supplied strings. For example, if the user submits: ��������� lcd SONY (Note the ?'s) I need to cancel the search. I include the base64 encoded version of the above string wrapped up so that its easy run: print(base64_d...

On the iPhone, is it possible to find out which WIFI network we are connected to?

If yes, can we also get additional information about the network configuration? One useful way to do this could be getting the SSID of the current network. Is there an API to do that? Update: I found a similar question here: ...

Detect and record a sound with python

I'm using this program to record a sound in python: I want to change the program to start recording when sound is detected by the sound card input. Probably should compare the input sound level in chunk, but how do this? ...

Is it possible to detect what operating system a user is coming from using PHP? (mac or windows)

Let's say for example I wanted to echo "You are using Windows!" or "You are using Macintosh!", depending on the users OS. Is this possible? ...

PHP cron detect via php?

Is there a way to find out if Cron Jobs are available on the server? I mean I want to detect this in a PHP script.. ...

Detect when screensaver activates with Cocoa

Is there a way to trigger an action when the Mac OS X screensaver activates or when it goes to sleep (preferably using cocoa)? ...

PHP: detecting IP's entry to a specific IP range

I have the PHP function that determines whether one IP goes to a specific IP range, but I don't know how to find out the IP's network and mask. Can anyone help with this? <? // Example of calling and checking IP-address // belonging to a network with mask if(ip_vs_net("","",...

How to detect RegOpenKey or RegSetInfoKey Event in C#

Hi, im trying to detect the RegOpenKey or RegSetInfoKey event like Process Monitor from Mark Russinovich (Sysinternals) does. Does anyone know how to write a C# Event which gets fired when a Program is doing a RegOpenKey or RegSetInfoKey on a RegistryKey (NOT changing!)? Thanks in advance! ...

jquery image hover popup cant detect browser edge and change its direction

hi guys i am trying to implement jquery image hover popup but facing a problem when the popup is closer to browser edge it goes beyond its edge i want it to change its direction when it finds that space is not enough to show that popup, i have see this effect in many plugins where popups, tooltips and drop down menus change their direct...

How to detect a progam calling "OpenFile" and what the name/path of the file is?

I have a program (just exe) that is not able to OpenFile. Its a log file to write to so I just need to place an empty file. But I don't know the name or location of it, and have dug around the registry and ini and inf files to no avail. -Should I use a system hook? FileWatcher, And ideas would be appreciated. ...

Is it possible to "trick" PrintScreen, swap out the contents of my form with something else before capture?

I have a bit of a challenge. In an earlier version of our product, we had an error message window (last resort, unhandled exception) that showed the exception message, type, stack trace + various bits and pieces of information. This window was printscreen-friendly, in that if the user simply did a printscreen-capture, and emailed us th...

How to detect page redirect with PHP?

I'm trying to detect whether an image exists on a remote server. However, I've tried several methods and can't get any of them to work. Right now I'm trying to use this: if (!CheckImageExists("")) { print_r("DOES NOT EXIST"); } else { print_r("DOES EXIST"); }...

Looking for OpenCV haarcascade resources

Hi, I am looking to detect an airplane in a image using OpenCV, and I have no idea where to get started..... I don't know that much about OpenCV so I don't know what approaches I can take. For what I understand I need a haarcascade xml file that defines an airplane image, but there could be other ways I don't know of. Someone please giv...

How can I detect 'any' ajax request being completed using jQuery?

I have a page where I can insert some javascript / jquery to manipulate the output. I don't have any other control over the page markup etc. I need to add an extra element via jquery after each present on the page. The issue is that the elements are generated via an asynchronous call on the existing page which occurs after $(document...

Detected android device connected to PC

Hey, I have an android devic, i wish to know when it is connected to the pc via java/.net i know its possible - the Samsung New PC Studio is doing it, when ever i connect an android device it lets me know. how can i achieve the same? ...

How to detect if a user had javascript disabled?

I was talking with a friend about users who do not have javascript enabled in their browser and what could be done to show them a "no-javascript" version of your website. Is it possible and how can it be done? Thoughts? ...