
Devexpress, PivotGrid Data Problem

Hi! I have a table that stores these: ID - year - month - groupID - value GroupID and ID is in rowarea, year and month is in column area and value is in dataarea. But allways fields come with "0" value. What should I do? ...

What's problem on linq databinding

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" KeyFieldName="CategoryID"> <SettingsEditing Mode="Inline" /> <Columns> <dx:GridViewCommandColumn VisibleIndex="0"> <EditButton Visible="True"></EditButton> <NewButton Visible="True"></NewButton> <DeleteButton...

how can i uncheck DevExpress Gridview 's checkbox ?

how can i uncheck DevExpress Gridview 's checkbox ? i have a gridview with checkboxes. i need to uncheck all gridview Checkbox. How can i do that? ...

Multiple controls with the same ID 'DXSelBtn0' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.

Hi, I got this error when i press a button, but i searched for that ID 'DXSelBtn0' i couldn't find it. Button is a Devexpress button, and i just add click event to it thats all. When i delete the event, i don't get that error. What should i do? Thanks Mehmet Şerif Tozlu ...

gridview Devexpress c#

i use Devexpress 8.1 and i can't change font color of the gridview but i just want to change font color in the same row Grup Adı Kullanıcı Adı Şifre kitap aykut 12345 **bilgi kemal 67890** defter ayşe 15888 i mean I want to change the color of the text in bold ...

Combobox in a DataItemTemplate

Hi, In the AspxGridView there are two comboboxes in DataItemTemplate, manually loaded. So when user selects one field of the first combo second will be disabled, i wrote this: <dxe:ASPxComboBox ID="cmbEqualNotEqual" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="cmbCEqualNotEqual" EnableClientSideAP...

My application loses focus when a window is closed

Hello I have a simple two forms, one that contains a grid and a button. When I click the button, my application starts doing a long operation. While it is working, I show another form that contains a progress bar I open it like this: _busyWindow.ShowDialog(); And defined public partial class BusyWindow : DevExpress.XtraEditors.Xtra...

DropDownLists in ASPxGridView - Show message Specified method is not supported.

<div> <dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ClientInstanceName="ASPxGridView1" DataSourceID="LinqServerModeDataSource1" KeyFieldName="ProductID" oncelleditorinitialize="ASPxGridView1_CellEditorInitialize" onrowdeleting="ASPxGridView1_RowDeleting" o...

GetCurrentRow() in Devexpress XtraReports not working any more...

Hi, does anyone know why GetCurrentRow() in xtrareports, devexpress 10.1.4 doesn't work anymore? It always returns a null, in the previous versions it used to return the current row on the data source. It's being used in a subreport context. ...

How to deal with TcxCustomGrid-TcxCustomGrid Drag and Drop when I drag an object to the outside of the window?

I have a TcxGridDBTableView in a window, and dragmode is set to dmAutomatic. When I drag and drop a row above another, it works fine. But when i drag and drop a row to the outside of the window, I'm not getting to the TcxGridDBTableView's 'OnEndDrag' event. Ex.: procedure TfrmMyForm.cxGridDBTableViewEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X,...

How to use a TcxCustomDataSource in a TcxExtLookupComboBox ?

I use a TcxExtLookupComboBox from Devexpress and try to implement a custom datasource. I have set the customdatasource like this: procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin fDataSource := TMyDataSource.Create; cbotestSearch.Properties.View.DataController.CustomDataSource := fDataSource; end; TMyDataSource is defined h...

List search results in a combobox.

I want to change our search as it is a bit hacky now. Currently it works like this: User enter a text in a textbox, for example Volvo and start searching. This search with SQL all posts containing Volvo. The result is a list with 2 columns, BoldID and DisplayValue. BoldID is just an unique number to identify the object in datab...

How to bind AspxMenu by .xml file value

XElement xml = new XElement("contacts", from c in db.Categories orderby c.CategoryID select new XElement("contact", new XAttribute("contactId", c.CategoryID), new XElement("firstName", c.CategoryName), new XElement("lastName", c.Desc...

how to create dynamic Aspxmenu from database

*I work on C#.*I want to develop application which contains menu but menu items should be generated from database. My intension is that Administrator can change menu items by working only on database, no need to change front end any how. ** For example: Web page contains Menu as 1. Home 2. About Us 3. Contact Us ** ...

Get selected row in Gridview (dxexprince 10 ?

Hi Im new on Dxpreince 10.(and don't think im expert on this) I wrote simple webpage. For setting values in grid view i use list and bind that to Aspxgridview.Datasouce. so how access to the selected row ?(plz help with sample code) I want to get this value in my self defined method not in Selection-changed method! and access to all part...

Change deleteCommand button text

Hello, I have grid which displays users information. I have commandColumn with edit, delete commands. Delete means change users status to archive. What I want is to have delete button in rows with users with status active and restore button (it may be only change in text) in rows with users with status archive. How can I achive such fu...

How can I get DevExpress CodeRush to create NUnit test methods with the tm template instead of microsoft test methods in VS 2010

Hello, when I try to execute the test or testmethod templates respectively in visual studio 2010 using t and tm respectively it is giving me ... using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; [TestMethod] public void Test() { } I want it to give me the nunit decorator instead and stop adding the using refere...

From TCheckListBox to TcxCheckListBox with an exception?

I use this code with TCheckListbox (lbServices) and it works fine. But with TcxCheckListBox from Devexpress it raise exception. procedure TMaintenanceForm.AfterConstruction; var i: Integer; ActionObj: TAction; begin inherited; for i := 0 to ServiceActionList.ActionCount-1 do begin ActionObj := ServiceActionList.Actions[i] ...

Add character counter to MemoExEdit control

I am trying to make a character counter, 40/200...41/200 and so on. Now for a textbox control I am hooking into the KeyUp Event with something like this... public static void GetRemainingChars(MyTextBox txt, LabelControl lbl) { var maxChars = txt.Properties.MaxLength; lbl.Text = txt.Text.Length + "/" + maxChars;...

How to avoid input space and special character

I work on C# Window application .in AspxTextbox i want to avoid space and arrow key and also special character .I want just user can input number 0 to 9 and a to z character ...