
How to control Loading panel on button click

Work on C#,, on my page Click on AspxButton i want to show loading panel with text processing...., After complete the whole event work ,Loading panel become false. On button click how to control Loading Panel ...

How to generate the below XML format in Linq XML.

Below are my table structures; using those tables I want to create XML file. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Security_Module_Menu]( [Client_Company_ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Module_ID] [tinyint] NOT NULL,Module_ID,Menu_ID,Reference_Menu_ID [Menu_ID] [int] NOT NULL, [Reference_Menu_ID] [int] NULL, [Menu_Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,...

DevExpress ASPxComboBox, ASPxTextBox and JQueryUI Tabs

Hi, If I place a DevExpress ASPxComboBox or ASPxTextBox within a JQueryUI tabs widget, any data that is within a DevExpress control that is not on the initally active tab does not get displayed, although the DevExpress controls themselves are (they are just blank). Removing the tabs functionality for testing (by not calling the JQuery,...

ASPxTextbox - masking, prompt always at last or first character

Hi, I have an aspxtextbox e.g <dxe:ASPxTextBox ID="txtZip" runat="server" Width="150"> <MaskSettings Mask="00000" ErrorText="Please input missing symbols" /> <ValidationSettings ErrorDisplayMode="ImageWithTooltip" /> </dxe:ASPxTextBox> How can I modif...

How to AspxMenu fill from xml file

On my page I have two AspxMenu.Click on Master Menu correspondent value will show on Child menu XML syntax: <Demo> <ClientCompanyId CompanyId="1"> <MyMenu> <module Text="Basic Settings" ModID="Mod1" ModuleID="1" MenuType="0" Perm="False"> <menu Text="Forms" MID="1-1" ParentID="Mod1" MenuDescription="Mod" ModuleID="1" MenuType="0" Perm...

WPF DevExpress DockLayoutManager Layout Issue

I am using DevExpress' DockLayoutManager in a UserControl. Within the DockLayoutManager, I use LayoutGroup, and within LayoutGroup, I have two LayoutPanels. The two LayoutPanels are stacked vartically. I want the second LayoutPanel to be a fixed height, docked at the bottom left of the UserControl, and I want the first LayoutPanel to ...

Free third party ASP.NET control collections?

Hi, Having used DevExpress and the like for several projects for clients, I am wondering if there is a community maintained collection of controls comparable to the DevExpress, Telerik et al collections for ASP.NET? Any thoughts? Regards Moo ...

Tooltip not showing for nested control

I have the following piece of code that works great in all but one instance. private void tbxLastName_EditValueChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ChangingEventArgs e) { GetRemainingChars(sender); } public void GetRemainingChars(object sender) { var control = sender as TextEdit; var maxChars = control.Pr...

DevExpress 9.3 aspxGridView resizing columns

Hello, Im using ASPXGridView x 9.3. When I try to resize column without ClientInstanceName there is an error: Object not found "ASPxGridView1" as ASPxGridView1 is ID of that grid. There is no problem with resizing columns when I set ClientInstanceName to ASPxGridView1 but then I cant use javascript to find control by ID (problem is...

How to highlight focused row in DevExpress gridview on click?

Hi I have a devexpress gridview one of the column contains url. I need on url clik highlight this row and if user click another url in another row highlight and unselect previous. ...

ASPxGridView header and subheader

Hello I currently use the ASPxGridView from DevExpress (2010 v1). Has anyone had any success creating double headers where the first set of headers span across multiple subheaders? HeaderSpanColumn1 ------- ------- ------- header1| header2| header3 ------- ------- ------- 3 4 bob There doesn't seem ...

Aspx grid view FileUpload

Bllow is my AspxGridview syntax <dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" KeyFieldName="Menu_ID" OnCellEditorInitialize="ASPxGridView1_CellEditorInitialize" OnCustomUnboundColumnData="ASPxGridView1_CustomUnboundColumnData"> <Columns> <dx:Gri...

Asp.Net Wizard in ASPxCallBackPanel control

Hello, Im using ASPxPopUpControll in which I have ASPxCallBack panel. THis CallbackPanel was embeded there because I wanted to have solution based on callbacks despite of reloading page each time. In this CallBackPanel I've embeded asp:Wizard control. What I want to achive is get rid of postbacks after clicking next previous etc butt...

XRChart: How to set numeric axis labels to be whole integers?

I have a series with floating point numbers between 0 and 6. I wish to display this in a bar graph. How do I force DevExpress XRChart to display the whole numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 as axis labels? It keeps putting in fractions (eg: 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .... 5.5, 6.0). I tried to set precision to 0 but get (0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6) - which is...

Increase Performance of DevEx WPF Grid

I'm using the DevEx DXGrid (WPF) to show about 2,000 rows of data. I'm using a DataRow Template to get Master-Detail behavior (a new detail grid for each row). My application responds extremely slow to almost all use input (to the grid). for example: scrolling expand/collapse group rows resize app window I've contacted DevEx suppo...

Why not message show

My Project have master page .On my content page i write the bellow syntax <dx:ASPxPopupControl ID="ASPxPopupControlUserRole" runat="server" CloseAction="CloseButton" EnableClientSideAPI="True" HeaderText="Confirmation" Modal="True" PopupHorizontalAlign="WindowCenter" PopupVerticalAlign="WindowCenter" ShowCloseButton="Tru...

how to use javascript on AspxGridview

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ClientInstanceName="ASPxGridView1"> <Columns> <dx:GridViewCommandColumn VisibleIndex="0"> <EditButton Visible="True"> </EditButton> <NewButton Visible="True"> </NewBut...

in TcxTreeList 16pix free space appears before nodes with imageindex=-1

Hi, i'm using delphi 2010 +DevExpress_v50 I've moved my project from delphi 2009 +DevExpress_v42 thid summer and faced some strange bugs. most of them were resolved, but some... in TcxTreeList 16pix free space appears before nodes with imageindex=-1 (in v42 wasnt), looks terrible :( any ideas where to fix that? ...

(C#) Conditional Formatting on Grid Column Based on Value Range

I found a great c# example that colors cells in different shades of orange based on the how large or small the value is: The problem is that it expects the numbers to be very large for it to work. Is there a way using a math formula that I could specify ...

How to use minWidth, minHeight of a DevExpress LayoutControl ?

I have started to use DevExpress LayoutControl a bit. It feels powerful but I don't get it as I want. I want to set a minwidth and minheight of components as you can't have a dialog real small and it still look good. At the same time I want to let the user have arbitrary big size and let the components have equal share of the width and h...