Is there a chart of existing Blackberry platform vs. OS vs. Model versions?
Something like:
Blackberry Storm, platforms: x.x.x - y.y.y, OS versions: x.x.x-y.y.y
Blackberry Bold, platforms: x.x.x - y.y.y, OS versions: x.x.x-y.y.y
Blackberry Curve, platforms: x.x.x - y.y.y, OS versions: x.x.x-y.y.y
I am wondering if anyone out there has experience writing application for blackberry smart phones. In particular, I am wondering how they get around the myriad permutations of model number/carrier and OS.
Is there a recommended approach on how to write your code so that it targets the widest range of smart phones?
Are there compiler s...
I'm trying to find what market share each of the different BlackBerry models and/or OSes have. I've found similar resources for the iPhone (all OS versions and just V3.x OS versions) so I hope something is available.
At the moment our BlackBerry application is specified to support 8xxx and 9xxx models, and I want to know what proportio...
After company wins a project it is usual to mention in contract what devices are supported and what OS versions are supported.
But taking into account BlackBerry it appears sometimes to be tricky, as you can have the same device model, but two and(or) more different OS versions (or within same OS different package versions). And in thi...