
How to show a dialog on a widget?

Hi, i'd like to show a dialog, like when i use showDialog(...) on the Activity, but i need to do that on a widget, so i can't use showDialog(...). How can i do that? I tried this on my onReceive method but it crash: AlertDialog.Builder builder; builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); builder.setMessage("Are ...

Error with Jquery UI Dialog in Ie7 / Ie8

Hi guys, have abit of a problem with Jquery UI dialog. I set it to modal:true, and so when i initialize the dialog, i do see the grey overlay. However, the dialog itself simply does not appear. This is the strange part (perhaps): when I put settings to autoOpen: true, the dialog appears fine, it simply does not appear again when i click....

jQuery dialog serving multiple button's click event handller

I have a scenario where... 1.) Have created a div with a dropdown list and ok, cancel button 2.) On document ready - registering div created on step 1 into a jQuery dialog 3.) on a javascript button click - I am opening this dialog box. 4.) Now, the problem is - the jQuery dialogbox which I have created, needs to be used by other button...

jQuery ui confirm dialog on multiple forms

I have a few forms on the same page and I want to add a confirm dialog to all of them using the same code. They all have a class of confirm-form and the title of the confirm dialog should be generated dynamically (which isn't working atm). In the html I have the dialog that gets hidden when the page loads, it then gets shown once the di...

Android input dialog.

I have class for showing custom dialog public class Add_Category_Dialog { public String inputed_value; private Context context; public Add_Category_Dialog(Context context){ this.context=context; } public void showDialog(){ AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); alert.setTitle("Title"); ...

Android Dialog with dynamic text (API level < 8) killed on rotation

I want to create a dialog with a string that I build at runtime. It looks like API level 8 allows you to call showDialog with a bundle, but I have to write an app that will run on the older OSs. How do I create a dialog with something like a simple error string and make sure it doesn't die when I rotate the screen. I realize if I over...

multiple model dialog in VB

I have a aspx page. Users can perform an action on that page. but that actions goes through series of other actions. for example- suppose there is JOin Community link on that page. When user clicks He is asked to Login/Register(A) THEN He is asked to fill up a brief profile(B) THEN he is asked to join community as member/admin etc (C). S...

how to force download dialog for a text file on the server?

how to force download dialog for a text file on the server? when i used the blow code so the dialog window was for aspx file ... (why?) string FileBankPhysicalFolder = Server.MapPath("~/FileBanks/"); string Name = "FileBank_" + "Melli_" + Session["Co_ID"].ToString() + "_" + RadcbDateOfPardakht.SelectedValue.Replace('/',',') + "...

Android custom dialog shows android title bar

I have made an xml file like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="bottom" android:layout_gravity="bottom"...

Disable aero fade-in effect on dialog

I have a modal dialog I'm creating with MFC. When it appears, the Aero theme does it's fade-in transition for a new window appearing. In my particular case I'm switching immediately from one dialog to another and the fade effect is distracting. Is there a way it can be disabled so the window immediately appears, like it does when Aero...

the dialog desn't show correctly when it's created in sub-thread

I'm trying to add a pop-up message function in my project.And I make it run in a subthread since I need a realtime notification.But I find if the notification dialog is created in my subthread(started by AfxBeginThread),all the elements(buttons,urls....) of the dialog are not shown.The message box is just a blank dialog.If I extract the ...

Getting the font file Name/Location in FontDialog C#

Hello, What i need to do is have the font file name (not Font Family name) after selecting a font in the FontDialog, so that if i selected "Harlow Solid Semi" from the Dialog, i need to get the file name, which is "HARLOWSI.TTF" so is it possible ? if not using the fontDialog, can it be done other way ? Note: i need the user to see a sa...

How can I get user input (via a dialog window) in a Windows script?

I'd like to create a simple search script that runs from the CMD prompt. It needs to asks for user input first e.g. "what to search". How can I prompt the user for input (in cmd), or open a input dialog (in any standard scripting Windows language). ...

Loading form in jquery dialog results in empty serialize()

Hi all, I'm creating a customer survey using a jQuery UI dialog. I'm loading an external html file (/survey/survey.htm) which has a form that contains two sections (#part1 and #part2). Each section is shown in the same dialog (#CustomerSurvey") $("#CustomerSurvey") .load("Survey/survey.htm #intro") .dialog({ title: "Cus...

jQuery: textboxes in dialog window not working

hi all, i'm having a problem with the jquery dialog widget: i put a form with textboxes and combos inside a jquery dialog - when showing it up, all textboxes are not editable/clickable at all - all i can do is changing the comboboxes. seems like a bug to me :/ any ideas how to solve this? thanks ...

Pop SWT/JFace-based dialogs in front of Swing-based JFrame

I have an application that starts out as an Eclipse RCP application and then fires up a JFace ApplicationWindow, complete with a simple menu, toolbar, display widgets, etc. This second application window includes some model dialogs (extended from JFace Dialog and TitleAreaDialog) from the action classes. This second application window ...

Dialog not visible but still interactive

We have an activity which requires additional authentication. During onCreate and onResume (never both) showDialog is called and a custom dialog is created in onCreateDialog to request a password. The information on the Activity screen is sensitive so before showDialog is called we call Activity.setVisible(false). If the password from...

How to creating custom dialog boxes with cocos2d?

1、top http:// i.imgur.com/LszAu.png 2、middle http:// i.imgur.com/j82Dr.png 3、bottom http:// i.imgur.com/OP9hu.png dialog http:// i.imgur.com/ed3W2.png How do i do with 1,2,3 to a dialog? And dialog can stretch with content? I hope you can write a simple example for me~~thanks! ...

Make a Dialog ViewModel binding ready, call Dialog and return data from it in MVVM

Hello, Do you see a better way how I can call/contstruct a Dialog from a Controller/ViewModel return data from it and set the DocumentViewModel as DataContext of the Dialog? The problem is I can not use View first approach in the DocumentDetailWindow and its belonging UserControl because I can not set the Model to the DocumentViewModel...

Swing modal dialog refuses to close - sometimes!

// This is supposed to show a modal dialog and then hide it again. In practice, // this works about 75% of the time, and the other 25% of the time, the dialog // stays visible. // This is on Ubuntu 10.10, running: // OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9) (6b20-1.9-0ubuntu1) // This always prints // setVisible(true) about to happen ...