
Android: How to pass objects from Dialog to Dialog

Hello, I am trying to design an activity in Android which consist in a ListView with a button to add items to the List. When the button is clicked, it opens a chain of Dialogs to configure the new item (each Dialog configures one attribute of the item Object). When the last Dialog is validated, the item is added to the list. I was thin...

Android: onItemClick only returns first selected Item

Hi. I'm using and ArrayAdapter to populate a ListView. After selecting and item, it displays a confirmation Y/N dialog. If the user's choice is negative, then he should be able to select another item showing the same dialog. And so on. Here's my code: lView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClic...

Searching within AlertDialog

Hi, I have an alert dialog which lists around 100 cities. Is there a way to search within it? Or maybe autocomplete? I want to add a textbox which will filter the list according to what I type. EDIT: I'm very SORRY. What I meant was that I wanted to FILTER the above list based on what I type in a textbox. For example if I type 'D', I...

Android cant show processdialog

mycontext.startActivity(new Intent(mycontext, logoSplash.class)); //this finishis after 3 seconds initcontrols(); final Timer timerStartAll = new Timer(); timerStartAll.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { handler.post(new Runnable() { public void run() { timerStartAll.cancel(); start()...

"removedialog" issue when displaying 2 dialogs at the same time

Hello, In the method "OnCreate" of my actvity, I'm displaying a little progress dialog while loading data. It's done every time the "OnCreate" method is called so even when the screen orientation change.$ In the nominal case, there is no problem even if the user change the screen orientation. But, if the user opens another dialog (use...

Using DatePciker with no day picker.

I want to get a DatePicker Dialog with no day picker (only year and month) for credit cards expiration in a form. I checked the DatePicker source code and it's not seem to be suporting such feature as not showing once of it's pickers. Any other widget to do it or do i have to create my own widget again... ...

C# Control at Mouse Location Outside of the Application

Is it possible to get a control at the current mouse location if its in a window not known by the application? (not in Application.OpenForms) I implemented a low level mouse hook which can get the mouse location anywhere on the screen, but I can't seem to access controls outside of my application. What I want to be able to do is get ...

show dialog yes/No before leaving the app via Back button

If user repeatedly presses back button, I need a way to detect when they are on the very last activity of my task/app and show "Do you want to exit?" dialog befor they return to Home Screen or whatever previous app they had running. Its easy enough to hook onkeypressed(), but how do I figure out that this is a "last" activity in the tas...

jQuery Confirm Dialog in ASP.NET Button OnClientClick

I have a TemplateField in a GridView in an UpdatePanel with a button called btnDelete. Rather than the standard OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure?')" I'd like to use jQuery Dialog. So far, I'm able to set the jQuery using btnDelete.Attributes["onclick"] and setting the jQuery Dialog code in the code-behind. However, it posts b...

Make a jQuery modal-dialog behave like an alert()

I've got a modal dialog popping up via jQuery, but I would like it to behave like a regular js alert in that a) if you are on another tab it will bring the browser's focus back to the page with the alert and b) an alert sound "ding!" will be played. Is this possible? Here is my dialog box: var $newCandleDialog = $('<div></div>') ...

android: Dialog, cancel button

I have created a custom dialog, And I have inserted two buttons, one is called send, and the other cancel. I would like to know hot to close down the dialog when pressing cancel? ...

android detect if a dialog is active?

Is there a generic way to determine if there is dialog currently shown ? Sure, i can keep track of all createDialog and dismissDialog invocations, but that's cumbersome. thanks ...

How can I create a single/multiple selection dialog using JQueryUI ?

JQueryUI has a very nice Dialog, but I wonder how I could create a similar dialog with multiple values I can select from. It does not necessarily need to have a text area. Similar to how the right-click window looks or how the selection dialogs work on Android. ...

Set checked boxes for a checkBox-list dialog

I've got a dialog which shows a list of checkBoxes. I'd like to set different boxes checked each time the dialog is showed. But that only works the first time.. I want it work every time the dialog is showed! It would be great if anyone can help... This is my code: @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch (id) { ...

win32/C dialog box: "modern" look / style for a combo box

I want my dialog box (resource) in a Win32/C app to have a "modern" look/style, particularly its combo boxes. By "modern", I mean that a "drop list"-type combo box looks like a solid button, with just a small "arrow" icon on the side, as opposed to the "old" look: flat edit box with a separate arrow button. In the VS dialog editor, the c...