
Reading a dicom file in C

How do I read a dicom file, with different tags, in C? ...

How DCM4CHEE stores the bits allocation information of DICOM image.

Hi All, We are using DCM4CHEE as replica of PACS server. I have 8 bit and 16 bit images spread across multiple studies. All the images are stored in DCM4CHEE. We are running DICOM DUMP [DCM2TXT] on sample images to identify the bits allocation. It is a lengthy process. Does DCM4CHEE server stores the bits representation in DB?, if so...

Saving And Retrieving In Dicom Files With ClearCanvas!

hi friends, now i m developing small project concern with medical imaging.i am using c#.net 2008 and clearcanvas for saving and retrieving dicom files.i want to ask some questions about clearcanvas.For saving,sometime it is saved with xml file,sometime not.is it any effect in retrieving?another one is when i saving single frame dicom fil...

clearcanvas if file is a dicomfile

How to check if file is a dicomfile? ...