
Which SDK should I use to visualize medical images in 3D?

I need to process DICOM formatted medical images and visualize them in 3D, also do some image processing on these images on real-time. Therefore, I am asking this question to learn which SDK has better real-time characteristics for medical visualization and image processing? ...

How to give reference lines dicom pic on Dicom pics in CLEARCANVAS?

i will do that if i open my dicom pics.i have a study . if you look below pic you can see study pic left corner. Big pic is one of series. How can i do that clearCanvas open source sdk? ...

Need help in implementing DICOM in JAVA

hi all, I want to implement Dicom using JAVA. And also i should not use any existing API and i have to develop from the scratch. I spent almost 10 days in understanding DICOM itself,i got some vague idea so kindly help how implement it in java , where to start,architechture etc... Regards, Sam ...

dcmj2pnm error: cannot change to unencapsulated representation for pixel data

I am trying to use the DCMJ2PNM binary from the DCMTK toolkit to convert a DICOM file to a set of BMPs. I am using the following command: dcmj2pnm +Fa +ob test.dcm .\frames\test_ I keep getting the error "cannot change to unencapsulated representation for pixel data". Does anyone know what I can do to process this image? ...

can i get dicom image from remote machine in ClearCanvas?

can i get dicom image from remote machine via EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("");" ????? for example : EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://MYIP:myport/ClearCanvas/ImageViewer/Automation?wsdl"); ...

How to get an image from a given dicom file using clearcanvas libraries in c#

Can you please help me in extracting image(binary data) from a dicom file. ...

Trying to construct a 3D object from a stack of 2D images in VB.NET

I have a stack of 2D dicom images and want to convert to a 3D object using VB.NET. I suppose I can solve it using openGL but any clue would help a lot. Do you know a free (or at least cheap) pack to do it? Would you help me to think my own solution. Thanks... ...

Rendering the skin using VTK

I am developing an application in windows forms that reads a sequence of 2d dicom images and transform them into a 3d object. I can do it pretty well for bones using the VTK framework, but when trying to do the same for the skin, I am getting a blank screen. Does anyone have the same issue? Thanks in advance. ...

Audio formats supported by DICOM

Hello , which is the audio formats supported by DICOM as per DICOM standards? Thank You, ...

DICOM File compression

Hello, My line of work requires the use of DICOM files. Each DICOM file constitutes many .dcm files in a single directory. I am required to send these files over the network, a process which is somewhat so due to the massive size of the files. I am also a programmer and I was wondering what is the ideal way to compress such files? I'm t...

How to get image from dicom file using clearcanvas in c#.net?

now,i m developing small project concern with dicom imaging.In my project,user can choose dicom file to view,that's all.I get byte[] from dicom,But,i don't know how to get image and how i show,i m using with clearcanvas in c#.net.so,if u have sample or reference,please ့help me. Regards Chong ...

Volume render DICOMDIR CT scan

I got a CD from the hospital that is a head CD scan. I am completely new to medical imaging. What I would like to do perform a volume rendering of the CT scan. It is in DICOMDIR format. How and where would I start? From messing about with various tools I get the feeling that I need to extract each series into DICOM format. Is this cor...

How to write a DICOM's Application in PHP

Hi guys, I would like to develop an Application in PHP that would be able to receive DICOM images from different DICOM's Devices connected to the same LAN. I know there are some projects to work with DICOM and PHP, however AFAIK those projects don't support sending and receiving images through network. I would like to know if you know ...

C# gdcm load dicom

there's an exception with gdmcgdcmPinvoke. Why? foreach (string el in files_in_folder) { try { gdcm.ImageReader reader = new gdcm.ImageReader(); reader.SetFileName(el); if (reader.Read()) { textBox1.Text="Image loaded"; reader.G...

Where can I find documentation on the dicom# library?

Hi, maybe there's someone who know where can i find example how to use or documentation to dicom# library? ...

C# how to show image in picturebox

I'm trying to display dicom image using openDicom.net. What should i correct here? openDicom.Image.PixelData obraz = new openDicom.Image.PixelData(file.DataSet); // System.Drawing.Bitmap obrazek = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(element); pictureBox1.Image = obraz; pictureBox1.Show(); ...

How to read dicom tag value using openDicom.net in C#?

I'm reading dicom tags using openDicom.net like this: string tag = ""; string description = ""; string val_rep = ""; foreach (DataElement elementy in sq) { tag = elementy.Tag.ToString(); description = elementy.VR.Tag.GetDictionaryEntry().Description; val_rep = elementy.VR.ToString(); } How can...

clearcanvas read dicomdir

I'm reading attributes from each dicom file in directory and it takes a lot of time. My code : var patient_id = k_di_.DataSet.GetAttribute(DicomTags.PatientId); How can i do the same, but reading only in dicomdir? ...

.net library for displaying dicom structured reports

I am using clearcanvas library to read and work with dicom files. However, as stated here http://www.clearcanvas.ca/dnn/Community/Forums/tabid/69/aff/8/aft/14041/afv/topic/afpg/1/Default.aspx they don't support dicom structured reports yet. Do you know any other free .net library or dll which I can use for that? Do you have any other sug...

clearcanvas check if file is a dicomdir

I want to read dicom tags from dicomdir. How can i check if file is a dicomdir? Now, i'm trying like that, but i know that some files haven't dicomdir in name. if (fi_name.Contains("DICOMDIR")) { DicomDirectory fi_dicomdir = new DicomDirectory(fi); fi_dicomdir.Load(fi); } ...