
How to handle "Don't Allow" for location manager ?

I haven't think of this yet now . Till now whenever device was asking me use location update I was allowing it . But when now I am not allowing then it the location manager gives me kclErrorDenied and the location manager can not start again until I restart the application . So my question is that should I give a message to restart ...

"Don't Allow" in LocationManager keeps logging errors

I have an app that checked for location. It asks the user to use location and if the user says no on the menu there is an issue when i load the mapview. Once i select the mapView it asks for the user location again. If the user says no again my console keeps displaying errors/warning as well as my NSLog from the "didFailWithError" of my...

locationManager didFailWithError

from 1 week if my gps app fail to retrieve signal (eg: testing in my home) i don't receive any aler. i've setup my error notification in this way - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error { NSString *errorType = (error.code == kCLErrorDenied) ? @"Access Denied" : @"Errore sconosciuto"; ...