
How do I view 'git diff' output with visual diff program?

When I type 'git diff', I want to view the output with my visual diff tool of choice (SourceGear diffmerge on Windows). How do I configure git to do this? ...

How do I setup DiffMerge with msysgit / gitk?

I've just started using Git and it's possible I've missed something obvious, but here goes: I'm using msysgit on Windows XP While installing, I picked option 1 to "Use Git Bash only" I'm trying to put together a wrapper script that I can use to replace the built in git diff with DiffMerge. Based on this thread on SO, I create...

Need help configuring external diff with Eclipse

I am trying to set up my dev environment and I got SVN running with Eclipse on my mac (with Subclipse). However, when I click on a file I've changed and go to Compare With -> Latest From Repository, I noticed I was getting (what I think is) a sub-par diff tool. So, I went to Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> Diff/Merge to configure an exte...

How do I make diffmerge do a three-way merge with Mercurial?

I am currently using the commmand hg diffmerge -r 32 -r 30 myfile, but this only displays two windows, not three. How can I make it do a three way merge? .hgrc [ui] merge=diffmerge [extensions] collapse=~/.hgext/collapse.py hgext.purge= hgext.extdiff= hgext.graphlog= [extdiff] cmd.diffmerge=/usr/bin/diffmerge [merge-tools] diffmerge...