
How to sign data in MySQL database revision safe (trusted timestamping)?

I am currently planning a project in which revision safety of the database data is important. This means: we want to be able to proof that the data in the database was not tempered with since it was imported - no user changed the value, no db admin logged into the database and changed it. What is the best way to achieve this? Till now,...

Update original data in detached signature created by crypto.signText

I got the BASE64 encoded text by using crypto.signText method. but that dose not contain original to data which is signed. can anyone tell me how to update that encoded text to attach data to it. ...

Signing soap header

I started studying web services between bank and a client and I run into a wall when it came to signing a SOAP. What I need should look something like this <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:cor="" xmlns:mod="" xmlns:soapenv=""&gt; <soapenv:Header> <w...

Signing a cab file

Hello experts, Disclaimer: I have no experience in signing the files and this is my first time. We have a wildcard SSL certificate for our websites. Now we are going to host an ActiveX control on one of our sites. When I try to sign my cab file using that certificate it gives error "private key and the certificate does not match or doe...