
Displaying Google's 'directions' box on a map

I'm implementing a Google Map on a website. One requirement is to display a directions box, which contains the same fields as the one Google Maps uses, and which pops up when the user clicks a button. I'm aware that the Google Maps API allows you to draw a line between two different locations. Is it possible to display the directions ...

Google Maps directions V3: Multiple directions on a map

I am trying to render multiple directions(well, their Polylines, essentially) on a single instance of a map. In the prior version of the maps API, I did something like //directions[] stores the GDirections objects //x[] is an array of Elements extracted from an XMLHTTPResponse object //iterating over the values in x[] GEvent.addListener...

Google Maps API 3 Directions - Adding trip duration and distance to infoWindow

Howdy Gang, I'm so close on this one right now, but can't quite get the result I'm looking for. This is an attempt to pull a series of geolocations - along with a title and text. These are then assigned to markers which are populated on a google map. My ultimate goal is to get the distance and duration of travel between each of the marke...

How to parse distance data with iphone from google directions api?

I'm trying to get the distance between two places (by way of roads), and I get that an http request will return a XML with the following data but I don't get how to use NSXMLParser to get the total distance. I would assume to use the parser:didStartElement:namespaceURI:q...