Is there a simple way to get driving instructions?
Something like: I call "http://someservice/?start=NYC&target=Washington" and then the service returns a XML file containing routing information?
Has anybody ever tried to access such a web-based service from a standalone desktop application?
Any help would really be appreciated!
I have been pouring over the Google Maps API information, and for the life of me I can't seem to find an example, or figure out the exact right way of doing what I want.
From a simple HTML layout I need to display a Google Map, with a single address listed as a marker, with the user having the ability to click "Get Directions" or someth...
I'm interested in working on a side-project at work that integrates traffic data and automated route planning with our dispatching application. However, it seems that Google Maps and the Microsoft Virtual Earth Platform place restrictions that interfere with what I would like to do.
Is there an API (free or commercial) that allows the f...
You guys have been helping out solving some of my problems with a Google Map lately, and thank you for that.
I am almost done with this - only one problem is left. When I place the first marker on the map, it snaps to the nearest street (which is fine!) but when I drag the first marker to another place, directions suddenly mess up....
I setup a directions page for a small company that I do work for. It
has a few markers and lets people get directions to the location from
wherever they are. For some reason, the page decided to stop coming up
in the browser. I've done just about anything I could think and
nothing has worked. I'm not the best at javascript but I...
Hey guys,
I have a website where "near locations" are shown for each item, based on the latitude and longitude coordinates stored in a database.
Problem is that this calculated distance is the air-line distance, which differs a lot ferom the actual driving distance.
Google Maps does only have a JavaScript API for driving directions ...
Did I understand correctly:
Opening google maps from my App demands closing that App in order to display google maps App?
e.g doing so:
NSString* urlString = @"";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: urlString]];
will close my App?
So how ca...
It seems that DrivingDirections have been removed since Android API 1.0
What's the way now to display a map with two points (one of them might be the current location, but can also be any other location) and the direction from one to another in Android 1.6?
I am trying to use Yahoo Traffic API but when I provide a location, I get traffic reports for a specific radius. Is it possible to get traffic on specific roads.
The problem I am trying to solve is to get traffic for a specific route. I got directions and now need traffic for each of the roads only.
Let me know if you have any idea ho...
Can we load a Bing Map in iPhone and show Route between source and destination points thourgh some waypoints.
For my application I need a server to calculate driving directions.
The Google Maps API was designed for clientside use only, with a Javascript and Flash API. Is there any way I can run their API's server-side?
For some locations there is no driving directions available in the Google Maps API, but it works perfectly in One such location is Orchha, India. I have tried it with different combinations like providing: state name, lattitude and longitude, but it not works in google API alone but it works in Google Maps site. is there...
On Android 1.0 there was a namespace for driving directions:
Route - Improved Google Driving Directions
But in newer SDK it was removed by some reason...
Android: DrivingDirections removed since API 1.0 - how to do it in 1.5/1.6?
On BlackBerry there is also lack of APIs for such stuff:
how to find the route between t...
Sorry at first for my poor grammar.
I am writing a program in Java using geogoogle (Google Geocoder Java API)
I need from two specific points to get the walking directions between these points and also these info to be exported in a KML file.
Do you know how can I do it from Java? Is there an API...
Do you know how I can get walking directions from Google by giving two specific coordinates?
How can I send simple HTTP GET requests and have the result in a KML file?
I don't want to geocode, but get the driving directions as the KML file returned by this method:
I was wondering what the data structure is in an application like google/bing maps. How is it that the results are returned so quickly when searching for directions?
what kind of algorithms are being used to determine this information?
I'm looking for a library based on Postgis and pgRouting that will provide driving directions as well as a route between any two given points. The second part works fine using pgRouting but can't seem to find anything that'll provide driving directions from the route output by pgRouting. Does anyone have any idea where I can find such a ...
I just started working using Google Maps API yesterday, and trying to set up drive directions to my map. My problem is: when I call the function load,
// [...]
gdir = new GDirections(map, directionsPanel);
// [...]
gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress);
it returns a map whose markers are not draggable. So, I ...
I'm trying to mimic the functionality in Google Maps on Android. When you press the directions option on the options menu, and it shows "My Location, End Point" on top of the map and dims the map. Is that running in a separate activity, or is that somehow a modal dialog on top of the map?
I use such urls like:,%20New%20York,%20NY%2010011%20(Sixth%20Avenue,%20New%20York)&daddr=W%20103rd%20St,%20New%20York,%20NY%20&dirflg=r
But it returns full html page. Does anybody know how to get such info in json or xml or any parsable format?
I need public transit.