
What's the right tier to obtain directory attributes for display?

I have an intranet application that needs contact information for various locations on our campus that are served by our IT lab support organization. We have an enterprise directory that contains contact information so I'm not keeping the actual contact information in the database, but rather an immutable identifier that serves as a key...

Directory of APIs/WebServices - where do I find one?

Where do I find a directory where a lot of APIs or Webservices are collected? I'd like to generate a Web Site getting its content from different services, but I assume that spidering together the content is not legal (e.g. getting the latest financial data from So I would like to have a list of APIs and WebServices (...

How do I get a directory listing in Perl?

I would like to execute ls in a Perl program as part of CGI script. For this I used exec(ls), but this does not return from the exec call. Is there a better way to get a listing of a directory in Perl? ...

Enumerating network shared directories in C++ / MFC

I need to get a list of directories shared by the current computer, and their shared names. How do I do this in C++ / MFC? ...

File Path/size in C#

How to get the File Directory of a file (C:\myfolder\subfoler\mydoc.pdf). I also want to add the size of the subfolders, and finally the main folder size. This is for a .NET CLR that I need to integrate with SQL Server 2005 for a SSRS report. Thanks. ...

Get the current working directory for cmd.exe

How can I retrieve the current working directory of cmd.exe? This seems possible. For example using ProcessExplorer, select CMD.exe, right click, properties, Image tab, "Current Directory" relects the directory set using the CD or CHDIR commands. I've looked at the .NET Process and ProcessStartInfo classes (ProcessStartInfo.WorkingD...

Return total number of files within a folder using PHP.

Is there a better/simpler way to find the number of images in a directory and output them to a variable? function dirCount($dir) { $x = 0; while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (isImage($file)) {$x = $x + 1} } return $x; } This seems like such a long way of doing this, is there no simpler way? Note: The isImage()...

How can I copy a directory recursively and filter filenames in Perl?

How do I copy a directory including sub directories excluding files or directories that match a certain regex on a Windows system? ...

What is the best way in Perl to copy files into a yet-to-be-created directory tree?

What is the best way in Perl to copy files to a yet to be created destination directory tree? Something like copy("test.txt","tardir/dest1/dest2/text.txt"); wont work since the directory tardir/dest1/dest2 does not yet exist. What is the best way to copy with directory creation in Perl? ...

Application crashing when talking to oracle unless executable path contains spaces

We have an x-files problem with our .NET application. Or, rather, hybrid Win32 and .NET application. When it attempts to communicate with Oracle, it just dies. Vanishes. Goes to the big black void in the sky. No event log message, no exception, no nothing. If we simply ask the application to talk to a MS SQL Server instead, which has ...

What's the best way to get the directory from which an assembly is executing

For my apps, I store some configuration file in xml along with the assembly(exe), and something other temporary files for proccessing purpose. I found some quirk with ".\\" and Application.StartupPath. I've been using String configPath = ".\\config.xml"; It works fine until I called OpenFIleDialog to open some files in other fold...

SQL Reporting Services cannot configure virtual directories

I have an issue where we tried to upgrade our TFS 2005 server to 2008. During the install we encountered the error that it could not configure SQL Reporting Services. The log files showed that during the creation/configuration of the virtual directories for SQL Reporting Services (the Reports directory to be exact) a FileNotFoundExceptio...

.htaccess Redirections

Hi, I've been Googling around for .htaccess redirection information, but nothing I find is quite what I'm looking for. Basically, I want a solution that will take a site and allow you to enter URL's like: and this would redirect them to: example....

Copy Directory to Output Directory - Console Application .NET

Is there a way to copy an entire directory to the output directory in a console application in C#.NET? I know for files you can right click them, properties and mark copy to output directory. But I'm not going to do that for 20.000 files... Thx, Lieven Cardoen aka Johlero ...

server.mappath("."), server.mappath("~"), server.mappath(@"\"), server.mappath("/"). What is the difference?

Can anyone explain the difference between Server.MapPath("."), Server.MapPath("~"), Server.MapPath(@"\") and Server.MapPath("/")? ...

How do I get list of all filenames in a directory using VB6?

What is the simplest way in VB6 to loop through all the files in a specified folder directory and get their names? ...

Get Path to Execution Directory of Windows Forms Application

I would like to get the path to the execution directory of a windows forms application (ie: the directory in which the executable is located). Does anyone know of a built-in method in .Net to do this? ...

How do I get a list of files in a directory in C++?

How do you get a list of files within a directory so each can be processed? ...

How to list the contents of a .zip folder in c#?

How to list the contents of a zipped folder in C#? For example how to know how many items are contained within a zipped folder, and what is their name? ...

Is it OK to have code in the root of a project?

I am trying to come up with a best practices on project directory structure. my latest thought is that there should be no classes in the root directory of a project. All classes must go under one of the following directories UI BusinessObjects BusinessLogic DataAccess i would like to hear other people thought on if there are use...