
How to import a Python class that is in a directory above?

For example, I want to inherit from a class in a file that lies in a directory above the current one. Is it possible to relatively import that file? thanks! ...

Using sort to rank a column by its size

Hi everyone. I need your help. Let me tell you what my problem is. I have a text file as follows: Music 3.6G Other 254.5M Videos 4.6G Games 1.3G Apps 10.1G As you can see the file has two columns which consist of directory names and their appropriate sizes. What i want to do is to sort this file by directory's size in a decreasing o...

Reading and tab-completing a directory name in a bash script

I want to prompt the user for a directory name, and have them able to tab-complete to a valid directory. So far, I've got tab-completion working for both files and directories using "read -e". I only want directories to be autocompleted when the user presses tab. Here's what I have: echo "Enter a directory" read -e -p "> " DEST How ...

How to get Path previous to Exceuting Assembly

hi. i have some files located in c:\MyApp\file.txt and current executing assenbly in in debud filder c:\MyApp\bin\Debug\ i want to get address of above "file.txt" at run time.. i tried this Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location it gives me c:\MyApp\bin\Debug\MyApp.exe how can i get address of "file.txt" ...

svnant - parent dir in server is not a working copy.

I want to checkout project, get the revision number, build jar with that number in menifest, on the server with a web interface. There are some other minor steps in the whole process, but that's the main goal. everything in the build script is working fine locally, but I always get stuck when it is done on the server. when I try to use s...

How does git handle folder permission ?

Hi there, I'm using git version, and it seems git doesn't notice a folder's mode changes #create a test repository with a folder with 777 mode :~$ mkdir -p test/folder :~$ touch test/folder/dummy.txt :~$ cd test :~/test$ chmod 777 folder/ #init git repository :~/test$ git init Initialized empty Git repository in ~/test/.git/ :...

Adding directory path to i386mingw-g++

Hi, How to add directory path to i386mingw-g++ where i working under Linux? When i try to cross compile a .cpp program through i386mingw-g++ it does not take the path of the include directories. I have also seen in the help, as it instructs to do with -B option but it shows as such "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'" K...

Hide directories from listing, but don't disable directory listings.

For example I want to hide the directory foo in the root of the public directory. I want to show the contents of the directory, but I don't want foo to be in there. Thanks. ...

Apache: Block all directories except for listed ones

I want to block people from accessing every directory except for /sandbox, /WebDev and /Projects I tried this: <Directory ^/(?<!sandbox|Projects|WebDev)+(/.*)> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all </Directory> but it gave a 500 error. ...

C#: Creating a new file in a directory that you have the DirectoryInfo of

I was just wondering when you have for example: var dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Temp"); Is there an easier/clearer way to add a new file to that directory than this? var file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, "file.ext")); I'm thinking I can probably just make an extension method or something, but curious if something alre...

PHP Directory Listing Code Malfunction

I tried to write a script to list all files in directories and subdirectories and so on.. The script works fine if I don't include the check to see whether any of the files are directories. The code doesn't generate errors but it generates a hundred lines of text saying "Directory Listing of ." instead of what I was expecting. Any idea w...

C libraries for directory access

I know that standard C doesn't give me any ability to do anything with folders, but I would like a fairly portable and cross-platform way to access folders. At this time, all I need to do is make a folder, check if a folder exists, and possibly delete a folder. I can forsee needing to read files from a folder in the near future, but that...

Link to Directory on Network in ASP.NET MVC [solved, kinda]

So I'm working on an Intranet web application using ASP.NET MVC, and I need to create a link to a folder on the network. So, as an example, let's say I wanted to create a link to "C:\", and this uri is stored in site.DocsPath. I figured the easiest way to do this was just create a regular link, like this: <a href="file:///<%= site.DocsP...

How can I traverse a directory tree using a bash or Perl script?

I am interested into getting into bash scripting and would like to know how you can traverse a unix directory and log the path to the file you are currently looking at if it matches a regex criteria. It would go like this: Traverse a large unix directory path file/folder structure. If the current file's contents contained a string tha...

Absolute path of executable start directory

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to grab the start directory for my program. I am using C and have access to GLib. On the Linux side it is easy, g_get_current_directory as soon as the program is launched, and store this value for later use. I tried using the same method on windows but g_get_current_directory returns whatever %APPDATA% ...

Can anyone suggest a good employee directory system?

We are looking to setup an employee directory with the usual information (name, number, department, job desc etc) and would like to give the users the functionality to update their own record as and when their details change. I'm struggling to find a suitable system, can anybody recommend? We are running IIS and the cms in use is Immedi...

JAVA_HOME directory

Is there any linux command I could use to find out JAVA_HOME directory? I've tried print out the environment variables ("env") but i cant find the directory. ...

MFC - Copy a directory, it's subfolders and files

Hi all, How do you copy a directory, subfolders and it's files? CopyFile doesn't allow wildcards, MoveFileEx works but the source directory is of course, "moved" not actually "copied" Thanks... ...

To show directory structure as a tree similarly as Pstree

I would like to see my current directory structure as a tree such that no directories below the current directory is shown, similarly as Pstree: I did not find an option for that from ls in OS X Leopard. How can you make a tree of your current directory structure in terminal? ...

RAR Each folder in directory.

Hi All, Im only new to liux commands and spend most of my time in VB, after searching the web its hard to find a solution in google. Anyway...... Everyday I backup my Shares folder and ends up being 183 GIG, I tried many ways of backing it up and come to the conclusion that using rar was the best option for my enviroment. So this is th...