
can not count array elements after passing as argument

I am having issues counting the array elements after passing it into an arguement void GXDX::LoadMesh(GXVector vertices[], UINT indices[] = NULL) { D3D10_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc; UINT numVerts = sizeof(vertices)/sizeof(GXVector); bufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT; bufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(GXVector) * numVerts;...

Copy Texture to Texture

I've done 2 programs to use Shared Resources, running on SlimDX & DirectX10. One program will display the shared texture on a 3D mesh. The 2nd program will load an image as texture. So far I need to pass the shared handled everytime the texture is update from a new image. Now, is there a way that I can initialize a fixed size shared tex...

How to enable vsync in DirectX10

I'm working on a apps that's based on DirectX10 by using SlimDX. I would like to enable vsync similar to DirectX9, but the fps doesn't seems to lock to 60Hz(which happens if I'm using Direct9). I'm setting vsync by using this SwapChain.Present(1, PresentFlags.None); Did I do something wrong? Btw, I'm running Win7 with ATI HD5570 vid...

Primitive thickness - DX10

Hello, i recently stepped into primitive rendering in directX10. I need that because i want to convert my ingame chat from directx9 to 10 due my huge performance lag being forced by the games weak dx9 support. The lines are being rendered fine on the positions i want. My actual problem is that they doesnt appear as thin as in directX9 ...

Ideal choice for this game, XNA or SlimDX (DirectX 10)?

I'm looking to develop a multitouch rhythm game in C#. So far, I've decided on several requirements for the game that must absolutely be present: 1) Unicode text display, without the characters being known beforehand (i.e. the displayed strings are not known at compile time, but entered in by the user). 2) Support for display of all t...