
C# WinForms - Disable Specific Controls When Not In Use?!

Say for instance I have a C# Winforms applciations that uses a tabcontrol with four different tab pages. Above this control on the main form are a series of groupboxes containing various buttons and textboxes relevant to the different functions running on each individual tabpage. If I am using a particular tabpage that only makes use of...

Inactive control background color

Is there a way on Windows to retrieve the color used as background color for inactive controls (TextBox, etc.)? Or better yet, the border color too? This is for Windows Forms and I haven't been able to find anything suitable in SystemColors. There is no such thing Case in point. I have a text box which may not be large enough for the ...

How can I change the font color of a disabled SELECT element? (Works in Firefox but not in IE)

How can I change the font color of a disabled SELECT element in IE? No matter what I tried it stays gray. I was able to change the background from gray to white but the text inside the disabled SELECT stays the same. What works perfectly for Firefox has no effect in terms of font color in IE (in this case IE8). You can see the latest sit...

Asp.net button doesn't submits disabled controls, even with submitdisabledcontrols="true"

Hi, I have a page with some disabled controls, it looks like this <form id="form1" runat="server" submitdisabledcontrols="true"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upp" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="textbox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" ontextchanged="textchaged_handler" /> <as...

disabling rows in extjs grid

How to disable row selection in extjs grid. ...