
ARMV4i (Windows Mobile 6) Native Code disassembler

Does anyone know of a disassembler for ARMV4i compiled executables and dlls? I've got a plugin DLL I'm writing and it has a very rare data abort (<5% of the time) that I have narrowed down to a specific function (via dumpbin and the memory address output by the data abort) however it's a fairly large function and I would like to narrow i...

How to write a disassembler?

I'm interested in writing an x86 dissembler as an educational project. The only real resource I have found is Spiral Space's, "How to write a disassembler". While this gives a nice high level description of the various components of a disassembler, I'm interested in some more detailed resources. I've also taken a quick look at NASM'...

Are there any IDA Pro alternatives?

The question title says it all: Are there any disassembler which provide a feature set comparable to IDA Pro? I'm interested in both free and commercial products. Please use one answer per product and if possible write a short comment about it, like "easy to use", "many features", "only support for PE files", ... Thank you! ...

Simple HEX disassembler

I'm looking for a really simple HEX disassembler for windows that I can just throw some HEX at (either as text, or in a bin file) and have it disassemble it. At the moment I'm using the DOS debug command: debug -n file.bin -l 0 -u 0 Which works fine, but its really cumbersome to use (I could probably use WinDbg too, but again its kind...

Can you help with this assembly language code?

Hi, I've been looking through a piece of code of a pc game that I'm trying to "improve". (ok so maybe I suck at the game but I still want to play it). Could you please look into the following code: fld dword ptr[ebp+00007B1C] fsub dword ptr[esp+64] fst dword ptr[ebp+00007B1C] call 004A2E48 This code is called every second for the lev...

Best/Easiest Language To Work With Disassembling

I'm now thinking to develop a disassembler, but as I know that it's very hard to build a disassembler I want to know the best/easiest language to turn my dream into a reality, also, a tutorial suggestion is very nice too ;-) ...

Decompiling x86 PE binary to C?

I'd like to know if there's any way to generate the C code of a x86 PE binary. I don't really need this, I just want to learn how some closed-source software are working. From my common sense, I think the process is: Converting the x86 binary to Assembly, which can be done with a disassembler like OllyDbg. Converting this Assembly to ...

Disassembling with python - no easy solution?

Hi, I'm trying to create a python script that will disassemble a binary (a Windows exe to be precise) and analyze its code. I need the ability to take a certain buffer, and extract some sort of struct containing information about the instructions in it. I've worked with libdisasm in C before, and I found it's interface quite intuitive a...

What is a good android disassember that can produce infomative results

as titled, like function calls, application behavior when running ...

disassembler in XCode?

I'm working on a project, and on a machine without xcode, I'm getting a crash. (of course it works on my machine B-/) I have a crash log, with a PC offset for the crash. I'd like to be able to see where that actually is in the code. I know that Code Warrior can disassemble the code (presumably, only debugable code) and show it interspers...

x86 instruction encoding tables

I'm in middle of rewriting my assembler. While at it I'm curious about implementing disassembly as well. I want to make it simple and compact, and there's concepts I can exploit while doing so. It is possible to determine rest of the x86 instruction encoding from opcode (maybe prefix bytes are required too, a bit). I know many people ha...

PIC disassembler Needed

I want to disassemble a hex file of PIC16F877A. Is there any good disassembler ? After disassembly is it possible to compile again ? What are the things I have to take care of ? ...

Disassembler that tracks what value is where

So lately I've been looking at the disassembly of my C++ code, and having to manually track what's in each register, like this: 95: 48 8b 16 mov (%rsi),%rdx ; %rdx = raggedCross.sink 98: 48 8b 42 38 mov 0x38(%rdx),%rax ; %rax = sink.table 9c: 8b 4a 10 mov 0x10(%rdx),%ecx ; %...

How do I compare the contents of two dlls?

I would like to compare several dlls of one install to several dlls of another install of the application I'm working with. I need to ensure they are exact same. How do I compare two dlls to ensure they have the exact same methods, properties, version, etc? I've started to use RedGate .Net Reflector, but the task became tedious so I tho...

x86 opcode encoding: sib byte

Im currently trying to write a disassembler. I found the following list of opcodes and their meanings, so i decided to parse it at runtime: http://mprolab.teipir.gr/vivlio80X86/pentium.txt But i am stuck at the opcode 0x00: It is followed by a reg/modbyte. Parsing it was not much of a problem for me. But i'm having trouble with the Scal...