
ANN for decompiler?

Has there ever been any attempts at utilizing artificial neural networks in decompilation? It would be nice if it was possible to provide the trimmed semantics of source along with the code in to a neural network so it could learn the connection between the two. I assume this would likely lose it's effectiveness when there is optimizatio...

decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode

Are there any tools or recipes for turning Android DEX (VM bytecode) files into corresponding Java sourcecode? ...

what is the best software to decompile a java class file ?

I need to batch decompile many class files. ...

What is the C# equivalent to JAD?

What is the C# equivalent to Java's JAD and is there a VS plugin similar to Eclipse's JadClipse? ...

Having issues decompiling *any* class with Jode

I've been staring at this issue for hours now. Any help is appreciated. I wrote code that uses the Jode decompiler from the "embedded jode jar file". I want to use this version because it is under the Lesser GNU Public License. Decompiler d = new Decompiler(); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("c:\\jode.txt"); d.setClassP...

How can I decompile Linux binaries from Windows?

How can I decompile Linux binaries (*.so) from Windows? Thanks. ...

what tools are there to decompile swfs to flex

How can you know that an swf was written using flash or flex? and is there a way to compile back to flex? I know sothink's for flash, but any thing for flex? ...

Trap and translate ESC/P2 printer output

Old days are catching up and old stuff isn't as good as new. Have tons of data stored in a system that only supports printing to ESC/P2 printer language, and even if that isn't completely unsupported, I want to be able to convert the printouts. The datastorage is a properitary file. I have decoded some of the fileformat, but still there...

How to debug compiled Java code in Eclipse

Hi, I wonder if there are any solutions for Eclipse IDE to debug Java code for which I have no source, i.e. to debug dynamically decompiled code, step through it, etc.? I tried to use JD-Eclipse, JadClipse, and these plug-ins work great if I want to look at some class files, but as I debug, I get "Source not found." - how can I "attach" ...

android storing key , decompiling fear

Im using amazing FPS and i have to store the secret key in the java code. However I am afraid that someone would decompile my apk and find the key. I have decompiled the apk myself and could not find the key, but im no VM expert. Any help? ...

JAVA: if without curly brackets, and relation to continue

Hi, I have the following java code fragment while (condition1){ switch (someinteger){ case 1: if(condition2) continue; // other stuff here break; // other cases here } } All is fine. When I generate a class file and then decompile it using a free tool (JD-gui), I get back th...

Decompiling x86 PE binary to C?

I'd like to know if there's any way to generate the C code of a x86 PE binary. I don't really need this, I just want to learn how some closed-source software are working. From my common sense, I think the process is: Converting the x86 binary to Assembly, which can be done with a disassembler like OllyDbg. Converting this Assembly to ...

General purpose utility or library for compiling/decompiling binary data files ?

I have various binary file formats which I need to dump to some kind of text format, edit and then recompile (possibly to a slightly different version of the binary format). Of course I could write a bunch of utility code in C/C++ to do this kind of thing, and maybe leverage a library for the text side of things (XML or JSON or whatever)...

Obfuscating 'C' Language based binaries to avoid decompilation

Is there some way to obfuscate 'C' language based executables or libraries to prevent decompilaton? ...

Is there any way to decompile Linux .so?

Is there any way to decompile Linux .so? ...

How to compile the dll back after decompile C# dll ?

I use reflector to decompile a dll, after that I find the bug and fixed it, now I want to compile it back to a dll, then I can deploy, but it seems that I can't how can I do this ? ...

decompile an app binary to get back to source code

Hi, Is their anyway to take a binary - even signed by yourself, and get back to the code? Im trying to recover something that I deleted a while ago... but have the binary here. Any ideas? Cheers Guys Sam ...

Any maintained Open-Source Java Decompiler ?

Is there any maintained Open-Source Java Decompiler? Dava seems to be a thesis project rather than a programming tool. JReversePro shows signs of activity but has had no release since 2002 JODE has had no release since 2004 dcompiler has had no release since 2002 javap only shows assembly-level code Soot is not really a decompiler Fern...

Is there any Java Decompiler that can correctly decompile calls to overloaded methods?

Consider this (IMHO simple) example: public class DecompilerTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Object s1 = "The", s2 = "answer"; doPrint((Object) "You should know:"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { doPrint(s1); doPrint(s2); s1 = "is"; s2 = new Intege...

What is a de-compiler how does it work?

So is a decompiler really a thing that gives gives the source of a compiled/interpreted piece of code? Because to me that sounds impossible. How would you get the names of the functions, variables, classes, etc if it is compiled. Or am I misinterpreting the definition? How does it work? And what is the general principal behind making one...