
Removing Parent in AS3: Does this free the memory used by all the children?

I'm making a rather large flash project and so I'm concerned about memory usage. At the end of each section of the application I remove the overarching parent element that holds the content. Although this remove the parent, does this also free up the memory for each of the children contained within this, or should I run an iteration to r...

Looping DisplayObject animation

I have multiple object doing random movement with random speed. i wanted to repeat the animation. I tried to use onComplete to restart each object once the animation end, but how could I specifically target it to that object? Currently its overflow private function lineAnimation (e:DisplayObject):void { TweenLite.to (e,rand...

Is there a way to check if DisplayObject A is a descendant of DisplayObject B?

I would like to be able to quickly check if a given DisplayObject is a descendant (not in the inheritance sense - ie. child, grandchild, great-grandchild, great-great-grandchild, etc.) of another DisplayObject. There doesn't seem to be a native way to do this and I can only think of two ways to achieve it: Create the mother of all nes...