
Where is the displaytag of scheduled reporting?

So I have been making some reports and using displaytag to output these reports in html, csv, excel, pdf, etc. They are paginated, and take a simple object graph... and output excellent results everytime, with very little code. However, I need to use displaytag or its equivalent outside of a jsp. So that a user can schedule a report...

Struts2 + Displaytag: Need to render with paging..

Hi at all.. this is my problem. My JSP need a pagination. Original version is this: <s:iterator value="listSurveyToRender" var="s"> <tr class="surveyTitle"><td><h4><s:property value="descrizione" /></h4></td></tr> <s:iterator value="listSurveyValuesToRender" var="sv" > ...

Help needed for integrating Displaytag with spring web mvc

Hello All.. I just wants to know that is it possible to integrate Displaytag with spring web mvc ? If it is possible then can anybody please provide some tutorial or links for that ? Thanks in advance.. ...

Hitting a different Struts action with DisplayTag Pagination

Hi, I'm trying to implement displaytag pagination with a little different funcitonality. Basically, I have 3 displaytag tables on my jsp, and when the user wishes to see the next set of results on one of them it brings them to a new resultant jsp which only displays the info from the table they wished to paginate. This should be relati...

How to Pass hidden variable using displaytag

I am developing application using spring web mvc.. For displaying purpose i am using displaytag library.. Here is the code for that : <display:table uid="intf" name="${model.interfacesList}" id="interfacesList" pagesize="5"> <display:column property="id" title="ID" /> <display:column title="Name" property="name"/> <display:col...

can we use rowspan and colspan in displaytag?

i have to create a table, whose structure is like this |--------------------------------| |col1|col2| col3 |col4| | | | col3.1 | col3.2 | | |----|----|--------|--------|----| |----|----|--------|--------|----| Is it possible to create such structure using display tag? ...

Where is Displaytag.tld(not jar)

I am not seeing the .tld file in my download folder. I only see JAR files. What I am missing? My problem is that, I can't refer like this in my JSP: <%@ taglib uri="http://displaytag.sf.net" prefix="display" %> I get some error. Hence want to download .tld and put it under local WEB-INF folder and then change my JSP like this: <%@ ...

Django aggregation get_*_display function usage

Hi all, This question relates to Django Aggregation/Annotation in 1.1. Suppose I have a simple model with an IntegerField that has a "choices" parameter passed to it. In this case, it maps to a GENDERS tuple as shown. Normally, in a template (or view) I can refer to the textual value of the gender by using the get_gender_display() f...

Code doesn't work without .show() - jQuery

this.randomtip = function(){ var length = $("#showcase ul li").length; var ran = Math.floor(Math.random()*length) + 1; $("#showcase ul li:nth-child(" + ran + ")").show(); }; randomtip(); ..the code above works well with .show() in the end, but if I change it to .addClass('show') it won't work. I'd like to g...

Calling DisplayTag returns NullPointerException

We've been using DisplayTag for awhile now without any problems, but recently, we had a wonky hdd and so we had to restore some of the stuff on there. Unfortunately, DisplayTag broke and stops everything else when called: <display:table name="pageScope.userKeyList.licenseKeyList" id="userKey" pagesize="10" defaultsort="7" defaultorder="...

Hibernate displaytag big lists

Hi there, I'm using displaytag to build tables with data from my db. This works well if the requested list isn't that big but if the list size grows over 2500 entries, fetching the result list takes very long (more than 5 min.). I was wondering if this behavior is normal. How you handle big list / queries which return big results? ...

Conditional column using JSP

Hello All, I recently started using the DisplayTag library and I've run into a problem. I'm trying to create a column that will allow the user to link to another page if that other page will actually have something to display. I have it setup so that there's always a hyperlink there but I'm having trouble with the conditional. I have a...

specifying custom properties to a displaytag table decorator

I have a decorator specified on a displaytag table that I need to pass parameters to. The decorator adds an id attribute to the row. Currently the values I require are hardcoded. The parameters I need are: The name of the property to use as id value An id prefix (usually the property used is a number and IE doesn't like ids starting w...

Customize paging in displaytag

I'm using displaytag to control paging in my jsp file (SaStruts framework). Everything is working fine exception one thing, I want to customize the display content. As default, if the datasource contains data that must be paging, the content of *paging.banner.all_items_found* and paging.banner.first in displaytag.properties file will be ...

how to add some html tags to DisplayTag ?

how to add some html tag between <displaytag:table> and </displaytag:table>. Plz help me to custom it, thank you very much. <displaytag:table> **<div class="mycss">** <displaytag:column /> <displaytag:column /> **</div>** </displaytag:table> ...

DisplayTag library question - Is it possible to add more info to the standard Excel export?

Hi, I'm using the DisplayTag library (http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/) for tables in my JSP and I'm taking advantage of the export functionality that comes with it. I want to export the table contents to an Excel file but I want to modify what is written out to the Excel file to include extra information and to change the format of ...

DisplayTag error

Hi, I am using the DisplayTag with pagination to display a List objects. The Transactions has a property called 'company' / getCompany() which is the Company object. The Company object contains a String called 'name' / getName(). My code looks like this: <display:table name="${transactions}" id="transaction" pagesize="2" defaultsort=...

DisplayTag questions about HttpSession

Hi, I just started using the displayTag to store my entire resultset of objects from a database query and display them in a paginized format within a JSP. I found that I had to store the entire resultset in the HttpSession, otherwise the displayTag looses the data which advancing to the next page. My question/concern is storing thi...

Partial List Pagination with DisplayTag

Hi, I'm having a small problem with the pagination message that displaytag is outputting for me. I'm performing pagination via the partialList method but the "displaying items X to Y" does not display correctly. The flow is as follows: user performs a search query the database for the count of matching records pull the correct record...

displaytag, how to integrate checkboxes?

I use displaytag on a list bean : utilisateurBean.I need to add a column on this tab to add a checkbox for selecting an element. Pb : With the displaytag struts looks for the property choixUtilisateur in the bean and not in the formBean. Is there a way to talk struts/displaytag to map this property in the form? I don't understand the mi...