
"new DirectoryEntry(distinguishedName as string)" doesn't work when DN contains a "/"

I have the following code to convert a distinguishedName to a sAMAccountName: Dim de As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" & stringDN) Return CType(de.Properties("samaccountname")(0), String) It works great for every DN I pass it, except for one. We have an AD group on our domain that has a "/" in it - call it "Programmers/DBAs". The DN for...

For any entry in Active Directory does the DistinguishedName ever changes?

Let's say a group is created with one name. If the group is subsequently renamed, does its distinguishedName also change? I'm looking for a way to permanently track AD objects even if their display names or other properties change. If distinguishedName is not constant, is there something else that is? I've seen objectguid but that se...

WCF client endpoint certificate reference, how to find when there's a comma in the distinguished name parts?

We are trying to reference a certificate for a client endpoint configuration in our WCF configuration file. The configuration looks like this: <client> <endpoint address="https://domain.server.com/path/service.asmx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="TestServiceSoap" contract="..." name="..."> ...