
Is there a method to find out if a package is to be installed with distutils instead of setuptools?

I can look inside setup.py I suppose to see if it's a distutils package. But in the process of familiarizing myself with python package management I have noticed that there seems to be more than one way to do it. So: How can I check an unzipped packages directory or setup.py to see how to build it? EDIT: When I say 'build' I mean is ...

What's the best layout for a python command line application?

What is the right way (or I'll settle for a good way) to lay out a command line python application of moderate complexity? I've created a python project skeleton using paster, which gave me a few files to start with: myproj/__init__.py MyProj.egg-info/ dependency_links.txt entry_points.txt PKG-INFO SOURCES.txt top_level.txt zip-s...

Can I distribute my iPhone app for only certain people ?

I want to develop a specific application that only clients of mine would be able to use, how can I limit the app to be downloaded only by people who I aprove ? Thanks ! ...

How to package example scripts using distribute?

I use distribute to package a small python library. I made a directory structure as described in the Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging. My question: Where (in the directory structure) do I place an example scripts that shows how to use the library and what changes are necessary to the setup.py? ...

icon distribution packaging

i need you help guys. I have designed numerouse icons. I need to package them for sale into these categories Normal, Hot, Disabled, Gray and these size 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128, 256x256. Do you know any software that can do this automatically for me, or do i have to develop my own. Am average programmer in vb.net. But not an expe...

Why does "python setup.py sdist" create unwanted "PROJECT-egg.info" in project root directory?

When I run python setup.py sdist it creates an sdist in my ./dist directory. This includes a "PROJECT-egg.info" file in the zip inside my "dist" folder, which I don't use, but it doesn't hurt me, so I just ignore it. My question is why does it also create a "PROJECT-egg.info" folder in my project root directory? Can I make it stop ...

How do you correct Module already loaded UserWarnings in Python?

Getting the following kinds of warnings when running most python scripts in the command line: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/virtualenvwrapper/hook_loader.py:16: UserWarning: Module pkg_resources was already imported from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources.pyc, but /Library/Pyth...