
Cross-database transactions from one SP

I need to update multiple databases with a few simple SQL statement. The databases are configurared in SQL using 'Linked Servers', and the SQL versions are mixed (SQL 2008, SQL 2005, and SQL 2000). I intend to write a stored procedure in one of the databases, but I would like to do so using a transaction to make sure that each database...

MSDTC attempts to enlist client machine in a distributed transaction

Hi there We're seeing the following intermittent warning logged by MSDTC: A caller has attempted to propagate a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC network DTC access is currently disabled on machine 'X'. Please review the MS DTC configuration settings. However, MSDTC is disabled on machine X by design - it's a clien...

Replication SQL SERVER

In my Production Server i have replication which working fine, i do have Distributed Database which as 2 subscriber db . My data is replicated from Production envi (working fine) but while data gets replicated to Distributed database in Subscriber it throws an Error Err msg = Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: PRD01-XYZ-VR...

Is there a way to put several SQL to diffrente servers inside the same transaction?

In my system we do action, and for reporting sake we log that action on another server (star schema if it interests). Obviously I need the action updates/inserts be in the same transaction as the logging. So, is there a way to include two different sqls to two different servers in the same transaction? Right now I manage that in the code...

Spring Distributed Transaction Involving RMI calls possible?

Background I have Spring Client application that provisions a service to two servers using RMI. In the the client I save an entity to the database (easy) and make rmi calls to two servers with details of the entity. I am using Spring 3.0.2 on the servers and the client is a simple Spring-mvc site. Requirements My requirement is that ...

TransactionScope: Avoiding Distributed Tansactions

I have a parent object (part of a DAL) that contains, amongst other things, a collection (List<t>) of child objects. When I'm saving the object back to the DB, I enter/update the parent, and then loop through each child. For maintainability, I've put all the code for the child into a separate private method. I was going to use standard...

How to archive a distributed (database) transaction between a java and c++ application?

I'd like to know how to archive a distributed (database) transaction between a java and a c++ application. Are there some frameworks/jdbc extensions to do this? What pitfalls may arise? The solution may be oracle-specific, but a more general approach (at least on the java side) would be prefered, if equal. ...

How to test for 2-phase commit behavior on a stored procedure?

this particular stored procedure does an archive purge: 1) select tokens from transactional db 2) put tokens in temp table 3) loop through tokens: 3.1)using tokens from temp table, retrieve data from transactional tables and insert to tables in a separate archive db (via federation) 3.2) COMMIT inserts. 3.3) then using same token this t...

Integration testing, how can i wrap a REST call which changes databsae in a transaction ?

I have code like this: [Fact] public void should_return_at_least_3_users() { Rest.Call("http://localhost/admin/users/makeasfree/3"); var response = Rest.Call<List<Users>>("http://localhost/admin/freeusers"); response.Count.ShouldBeGreaterThan(0); } I've tried to surround this with TransactionScope but does not work. There is an...

NServiceBus: Aren't MSMQ Transactions BAD?

I am learning about NServiceBus and MSMQ. I was told that transactional queues in MSMQ are BAD and using them is really bad for performance. Does anyone know why? I am guessing this comes from the notion that it uses DTC and everyone knows that the DTC is not really a scalable solution. It seems to me that there are a couple of reaso...

WCF Custom Message Writing With Transaction Support

Hi All I'm using a custom message that inherits the System.Servicemodel.Channels.Message. My custom message get IEnumerable collection which pulled from a database. The WCF service is transactional (which is already tested). MS-DTC is enabled. Problem is, that when the protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter...

Lightweight In-Process Distributed Transaction Manager for Java?

I'm trying to extend Clojure to add durability to refs in a way that allows users to choose which data store instances to persist to. That requires distributed transactions. Are there any really lightweight, in-process distributed transaction managers, supporting XA, for Java? If not, and I have to roll my own, are there any good reso...

Setting Transaction Isolation Level in Berkeley DB Java Edition for Distributed Transactions (XA)

I am using distributed transactions in a BDB JE application to coordinate transactions across multiple BDB JE environments. I want to set the transaction isolation level to serializable. To begin distributed transactions, I use an Xid that I generate and have to ensure is globally unique, eschewing BDB JE's native Transaction class. T...

RESTful two-phase commit?

http://rest.blueoxen.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TwoPhaseCommit proposed implementing two-phase commits using a custom header value to identify the transaction associated with a request. Wouldn't this approach break caching proxies? For example, a proxy sees HTTP DELETE /foo against Transaction 123 but it's not smart enough to realize this trans...

Configuration binding extension could not be found...

I am trying to get a WCF webservice running which will participate in distributed transactions. I keep getting the following error message... Configuration binding extension 'system.serviceModel/bindings/myBinding' could not be found. Verify that this binding extension is properly registered in system.serviceModel/extensions/binding...

Why isn't TransactionScope rolling back distributed transactions?

I am using an object persistence framework called ECO for updating data to SQL Server. I've noticed that if I create a TransactionScope and then deliberately throw an exception after my first transaction has committed but before my second has committed the first database is updated and the 2nd is not. I thought that simply creating the...

Can I use JTA over different EARs which are deployed to different servers?

Hi, I'm looking into JTA as I need distributed transactions (across JPA, JMS and EHCache). I'm trying to understand whether JTA can supply an additional functionality which I'm considering. If I have 3 different servers, each running Glassfish and each server has a different EAR (a different module of mine). Can I have a transaction whic...