
C/C++ open source distributed software

Hi, I've seen many Erlang open source projects in distributed systems. Is there any C/C++ project for using as a base? Thanks! ...

Low latency distributed cache for Java & C++ Object

[Background] I am working on a java server side process which for the signal analysis / image processing. The main server process will accept requests / input parameters (XML / Image) from users. It will then distribute request / input to multiple processing engines. The processing engines are written in Java. They will perform the JN...

how MVC Pattern can be realized in RMI multiuser application ?

Hi! i am trying to create framework/library /API for creating small multiuser games, in which the goal is to achieve 'decoupling' between the server, client and business logic. The server in my case is kind of registering the clients and sent that list to business logic, clients are registering with the server, and the business log...

Accessing dependent files without sharing in condor

Hi Everyone I have 6 windows machine on which condor can run the jobs, when I'm running the interdependent files(one file calling other file) on condor,I'm supposed to share(requires Administrative access,) the calling file to everyone on the machine where i'm running the jobs, and it is happens that the submitted file generates output...

Blocking operations and ZeroMQ

Hi, I'm designing a distributed system in which a single-threaded server processes perform a CPU intensive operation. These operations are triggered by ZeroMQ network messages. If the single-threaded process is performing the CPU intensive work, will the I/O (ZeroMQ sockets) block? Thanks! ...

Efficient Erlang Port Driver

Hi, I want to spawn Erlang processes that will communicate with a C program through a Port Driver. As spawning many of these processes can be inefficient, can I spawn one Erlang process that receives messages and queue these messages for processing with the C Program? As this C program starts to wait for incoming jobs, will it block? ...

How to distribute junit tests to another machine

The build.xml we have today have many targets to compile and run unit tests. The build.xml refers to many property files with relative to itself. All this works fine when build and test is done on same machine. It is pretty simple to do build get all jars and any test input files to a build_home(another machine). How to run junit on...

ZeroMQ based distributed system

Hi, In a distributed system with the following data flow: The client sends a message for a random node in the distributed system. The node checks if the operation can be performed by him. If not, sends the message to other node. And the process follows until the correct node. So the system has the following flow: client -> nodeX ->...

If you are using Apache ZooKeeper, what do you use it for?

Is someone out there who is using ZooKeeper for their sites? If you do, what do you use it for? i just want to see real word use case? ...

scheduling Jmeter distributed testing

I am using JMeter's distributed testing feature which works fine. However, when I schedule this distributed run, it just runs immediately and disregards schedules. It happens only for distributed testing. Any idea? ...

Stand-up alternative for a remote team

What would you recommend in place of a standup, if there are many people working remotely at very different working hours? Is there any software for - let's say - remote standup, where everyone would write the same things that he or she would say at a normal standup? ...

Python for indexing and searching using a cluster?

After an unfortunate misadventure with MySQL, I finally gave up on using it. What I have? Large set of files in the following format: ID1: String String String String ID2: String String String String ID3: String String String String ID4: String String String String What I did? Used MySQL on a powerful machine to import everything ...

Python socket programming

How can I know if a node that is being accessed using TCP socket is alive or if the connection was interrupted and other errors? Thanks! ...

ZeroMQ design decisions

In a REQ/REP socket, if the socket send a request to a dead (disconnected) node the message isn't delivered and stays in a message queue occupying memory. How can one clean these undelivered messages (let's say, messages that are in the queue for more than 1 minute)? Thanks! ...

Something similar to ParallelPython for C++?

I need to do some extensive searching and string comparisons and for this I figure that a compiled program is much better than an interpreted ones especially after seeing some comparison studies. I came across ParallelPython which was beautiful. It has autodiscovery for clusters and can pretty much do all the load balancing for me as wel...

CRUD-style data driven distributed .NET application architecture questions

Context: Building a smart client application on the .NET platform where you have a complex database model with a high number of columns involved. The natural application style is a typical data driven CRUD. There’s also a fair bit of server side logic in some cases, and somewhat complex validations. You have full control of client and se...

Erlang port driver communicating with C program

Hi, If I want my Erlang process connect with a C shared lib I use Erlang linked in port driver. As I want my C program stores some data structures to respond to erlang calls, I must use global variables. Is there any problem? Thanks! ...

Framework for Java distributed application health monitor?

I am working on a java distributed application that consists of a variety of RMI servers running on a collection of processors in an embedded system. The system reports status through a color-coded GUI which underneath periodically polls the RMI servers for their status (UP, DOWN, DEGRADED, etc.) using a defined Interface. Additionally, ...

Is there a good way to submit jobs to a cluster using bash?

Is there a good tool out there to do this on a Linix machine using the bash shell? All I need is to issue different commands on a set of nodes in a cluster and when one of them is done with the job, I'd like to submit another one. Something very similar to what Hadoop can do. I would be interested in knowing the status of the job as well...

Implications of Distributed Sessions on Development

I have been researching the implications of setting up a distributed session environment, and wanted to ensure I was not missing any major points. With respect to developing apps that will run in a distributed session environment, the main development issue I have identified is the loss of data that may be kept in the session. Obviousl...