
HTML-CSS position problem with div

I got a little problem and nothing I test seems to work. My HTML: <div id="parent"> <div id="top_parent">Top_background <div id="top">Top_Picture</div></div> <div id="content">Here comes random stuff<div> </div> <div id="bottom">Footer</div> CSS: #top_parent { background:#f00; height:100px;...

html div position absolute inherited ?

if my first div is 'postion:absolute' will by 2nd div inherited that? <div class="positionab">test 1 </div> <div class="secondiv"> test 2 </div> .postionab{ position: absolute; left:0px; } when test 2 is rendered on screen it is position on the most upper left .. why is it like that? ...

css bullet in firefox

<ul> <li> test </li> </ul> by default when view on firefox, the test is shifted to the right hand side? how to made it align to the left ? ...

CSS Layout with full size left navbar and header

Hi, I would like to have the following layout +++++++++++++++++++++++ +Header + +++++++++++++++++++++++ +Nav+ + + + + + + + + + Content + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++ so basically a two column layout with a header. I've checked many CSS la...

should i use Table or DIV to achive this structure ?

Want some handy guidelines prior starting the HTML Prototype of this application. Please find below the mockup screen. Mockup screen I need to make this structurewith liquid layout so that it will adjust as per the resolution. Please do suggest me should i go with DIV with floating left or can i use tables to achieve this structure? ...

HTML/Javascript trick needed to set <td> width

I have the following problem: I have to list several items each with several properties on a web page. The listing is done in two HTML tables. One table for the headers and one table for the items. This separation is needed in order to have possibility to scroll only through the list. (It would be odd to have a scrollbar in the header s...

css positioning divs in a browser

What would be the best way to position divs in any browser, so I have the following setup: div all (that includes all the following divs and has a width of 800 px and centers in the middle of the page) div content (that centers within div all) div menu left (within div all) and a li with my menu items and fixed distance of 10 px from ...

HTML scrolling div layout problem

Hi, I'm trying to design a HTML page with the following requirements: a fixed header (headerBox) and footer (footerBox) element (should not scroll) the content area contains a top (width 100%, contentBoxMap) element that can be expanned over the whole content area a left (contentBoxLeft) and right (contentBoxRight) content element ben...

overflow-x: auto problem on firefox/ie

i have this problem with my website css overflow-x:auto ; coincidently, when i try on stackoverflow.com . I can see stackoverflow also have similar problem. when i try to make my firefox/internet explorer 7 browser window screen smaller. i can see part of the screen on upper right hand-side and lower right hand-side not render properly....

css overflow-x:auto to show only when width less than certain amount

my <html style="overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:hidden inside have a div with overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:scroll; min-width:960px; but when my browser viewing mode is larger than 960px, it still showing the horizontal scroll bar. how to make the horizontal scoll bar only show if necessary when width less than 960? ...

Clearing last floated element in each row

I have a set of divs with variable heights that have been floated left. When there are too many of said divs on a single line, the next div wraps to a new row (as it should). The problem I'm having is that the new row is started at an offset x position on the new row, such that the div is beneath the last div in the previous row that has...

How to align asp:Menu in DIV tag?

Hi guys. My CSS looks like this: #menu { width: 1024px; height: 25px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: right; background-color: Red; } My asp page looks like this, (in fragment): <asp:Menu ID="mnuMainMenu" runat="server" BackColor="#F7F6F3" DynamicHorizontalOffset="2" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Medium" ...

How to set div width to 100%

I'm trying to design a 2 column layout using divs. My left column size is fixed to 150 px. But right column is not fixed size, so I want it to extend to right boundary of the browser. I used width:auto and width:100% values in right column but they didn't work. CSS : html { height:100%; width:100% } body { color: #000040; ...

Padding container not functioning correctly

Its a bit of a tough one to explain really. this is it: <div id="inside-cntr"> <!--GAME CONTENT GOES HERE!--> <div style="position:relative; margin:15px; margin-top:35px; margin-bottom:20px; padding:1px; width:200px; height:200px; display:inline-block; float:left; background-color:#333;"></div> <div style="position:relative; margin:15p...

css: outrageous change in property when put inside this fieldset

My custom drop down menu has a really large change in top and bottom padding. UPDATE Javascript, CSS & HTML included in fiddle [PHP removed] First off, I didn't realise I could share a fiddle ^^ Pretty epic site. I'ma keep debugging, but thought I'd post it here to see if anyone can spot where the problem is :) ...

Setting\Placing a DIV(CSS Layer) with table cell as reference

you may skip the following HTML code to proceed to actual question <!-- Some HTML Code--> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="1"> <tr> <td rowspan="03" width="20%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="60%">&nbsp;</td> <td rowspan="03" width="20%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table...

Why is IE 7 allowing all my content to break past my DIV? (however it works in Chrome, Safari, etc)

If you use IE 7 and click on this site: http://www.tlsadmin.com/tlsadmin/PortalHome.aspx Then, navigate to: TLS Admin --\My Companies ------\Contoso ----------\Shared Contacts You'll see how the list of contacts is all messed up and I can't scroll down. Anyone know why? And if you're curious, it's my job to take this site as-is...

2 divs on one line with form in between

I'm trying to get one div to float left, and one div to float right, but have a form in between, the form has 2 select elements(drop down boxes) in it. I can get it so I have: Div<------------->Text<------------->Div but not Div<------------->Form<------------->Div If I just have an empty form element than it works like the text, bu...

Javascript: have div always remain at the top when it reaches the top edge of browser with jquery

how to have a div that always stay on the screen? Lets say i have a div at the left hand site. When the browser is scroll to the bottom, the div will remain there ONLY when its' top reaches the top edge of browser screen so that it will not be hidden. I am using jquery too. Thank you. ...

Sticky footer, but only sometimes pt. 3

Same issue as before (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3118932/sticky-footer-but-only-sometimes and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3119399/sticky-footer-but-only-sometimes-continued)... I have a footer that I want to stick to the bottom of the page unless content fills the page, then I want it to get pushed down. I've done th...