
How would I convert this table layout to divs/css?

Hi, I'm really trying to work with div's and I can't seem to get the equivalent to the following simple table layout: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Table example</title> <me...

Removing <div>'s from text file?

Hey, Ive made a small program in C#.net which doesnt really serve much of a purpose, its tells you the chance of your DOOM based on todays news lol. It takes an RSS on load from the BBC website and will then look for key words which either increment of decrease the percentage chance of DOOM. Crazy little project which maybe one day th...

How do I get Multiple Style Sheets to work on a single page?

Here's the situation. I made three style sheets for each of the three pages I am currently working on. One that works in IE8/Safari/Opera/Firefox. One that works in IE7 and one which if used alone works on IE6 I tested everything on www.xenocode.com/browsers and that sites' IE 6 and 7 emulators. 3 I used a variation of the artic...

What's the average limit of divs for a page to be stable?

Some time ago I found this site which has an API to draw stuff in javascript using divs. I've tried to use it, but noticed that as the number of divs increased, the stability of the page (especially doing select,copy,paste) decreased. Now I'm about to write a web-app that will have a huge amount of generated divs, and I'm wondering if ...

Right Float and container div

Hi, I have 3 divs in a container div. The first is floated left, the second is floated right and the last sits in the center. This creates 3 approximately even divs across a container div. In each of these divs I am placing an image of varying heights. Then there is a separate div to sit below the container div which will be the full w...

HTML divs popup to select columns

Hi, I have a web application(ASP.NET2.0 C#) and in it, I have a gridview that gets its data from a datasource. I wanted to add the following feature: the user can click a button "select columns", and a box pops up with a list of all the columns(a checkboxlist in a div, possibly) and that way, the user can choose the columns they want to...

Divs vs Tables for a user generated blog site.

Exact duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30251/tables-instead-of-divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135826/for-tabular-data-what-renders-faster-css-or-table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83073/why-not-use-tables-for-layout-in-html I have hired a programmer and a web designer to make a website similar to S...

How do I determine when a DIV element, containing an ActiveX control, changes size (without polling)?

I have a DIV that contains an activex control. This control can resize itself depending on what buttons the user pokes. When the control resizes itself, I would like to reposition the DIV. How can I determine when the control or DIV size has changed without polling? Can it be done? ...

CSS div's overlapping

I am trying to build a comments section for my website. In the comments section, I want it laid out wordpress-style, with the avatar to the left. It works, but what is happening is the comment text is wrapping around the avatar underneath. For an example, here. This probably has a simple solution to it but I am a CSS amatuer. This is the...

Problem with PNG image on top of an image in CSS?

I am using a jQuery content rotator and I want to place a PNG image on top of a image and on top of that text. This is how my rotator looks like in HTML: <div id="testimonials"> <div class="slides"> <div class = "testimonialContainer"> <div class ="leesmeer"> <a href ="http://site/link"&gt;&lt;img src ="http://site/a...

how to make a DIV unfocusable?

I met a problem about HTML rendering. In dir="rtl" document of IE7, when JavaScript tries to set focus to a DIV element(with oElement.focus() method), the rendering turns to mess. The context is very complicated, so I suppose the easiest fix is to make the DIV unfocusable? Is there any way to make a DIV not be focused? ...

Stretch right float div width?

I have 2 float:left div, the first is fixed and i want the second div stretch the remain space. <div id="container"> <div id="leftform"> </div> <div id="rightform"> </div> </div> Any idea? Thanks ...

How to make a DIV not wrap ?

This requirement sounds wired, but it is actually requirement. I need to create a container DIV style that containing multiple other DIV's. It is asked that these DIV's wouldn't wrap if the browser window is resized to be narrow. I tried to make it work like below. <style> .container { min-width: 3000px; overflow: hi...

Need generic div css that does not overlap (like a table)

I'm trying to use divs instead of tables to style boxes around my content. The content can be any size and needs to allow the browser to be resized to any degree. Need the background color and border to contain the content. This works fine with tables. How do I get a div to work the same way? Note: I added "_"s because my non-breakn...

Help me with this div+css problem

Hello, I'm slicing a psd, and there is a part of the screen that will repeat with as many items as it needs, similar to the question list of stackoverflow. It needs to have this structure: Is it possible? How should the css be? Thanks! ...

What is the best way to left align and right align two div tags?

What is the best way to right align and left align two div tags on a web page horizontally next to each other? I would like an elegant solution to do this if possible. ...

Jquery can't access original jquery objects from new div on ajx load event

I have a page that has a bunch of JQuery objects. On that same page, I have a form where you can enter search terms in a series of fields and click on a search button, which will then send an AJAX request to the server and then load the resulting HTML into a div. A very simply Jquery application... The problem is this. When you click on...

popup goes back to hidden state when clicking outside the popup area

If I have a popup (using a div), how can I have the div to go back to the hidden state when someone clicks anywhere outside of the div? i.e. the popup is visible, then someone clicks outside the popup, the div should be hidden again. How can I achieve this functionality? ...

Unable to get Id of draggable divs in jquery. (using jqery ui)

For some reason the script below is unable to get the id of the draggable divs using attr('id'), but it works on the other static elements on the page. I am totally confused as to why this wont work and if anyone has a solution for me it would me much appreciated. $(document).ready(function(){ //$(".draggable").d...

IE6 Centered Content Bug

I have some centered content within a div. It shows up fine in Firefox/Chrome. In IE6 the content expands beyond the div to the entire browser window. Any idea what could be causing this? ...