
Why does Decimal.Divide(int, int) work, but not (int / int)?

How come dividing two 32 bit int numbers as ( int / int ) returns to me 0, but if I use Decimal.Divide() I get the correct answer? I'm by no means a c# guy. ...

How do I divide in the Linux console?

I have to variables and I want to find the value of one divided by the other. What commands should I use to do this? ...

In MIPS, how do I divide register contents by two?

Let's say I have $t0, and I'd like to divide its integer contents by two, and store it in $t1. My gut says: srl $t1, $t0, 2 ... but wouldn't that be a problem if... say... the right-most bit was 1? Or does it all come out in the wash because the right-most bit (if positive) makes $t0 an odd number, which becomes even when divided? Tea...

Flex HDividedBox custom divider

Before I go ahead and begin coding one, I was wondering if there are any existing components that allow me to do the following in an HDividedBox: Have an embedded arrow that, which clicked, will collapse a child of the HDividedBox and when clicked again, restores the child. It is something like a vertical accordion with the way the co...

Where can I find soft-multiply and divide algorithms?

I'm working on a micro-controller without hardware multiply and divide. I need to cook up software algorithms for these basic operations that are a nice balance of compact size and efficiency. My C compiler port will employ these algos, not the the C developers themselves. My google-fu is so far turning up mostly noise on this topic. ...

XSLT typograph.

Divide a large amount of text on an arbitrary number of equal parts. I probably already fed up with their stupid questions, but I have one more question. I have a large piece of text <p> Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab il...

XSLT: Append spaces in "long" word.

There is a code: <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsecteturadipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute iruredolorinreprehenderit in voluptate velit es...

java.bigDecimal divide in ruby environment

I right script in Ruby that include java classes require 'java' include_class 'java.math.BigDecimal' include_class 'java.math.RoundingMode' during the script I need to divide 2 java.bigDecimal one = BigDecimal.new("1") number1 = BigDecimal.new("3") number1 = one.divide(number1,RoundingMode.new(HALF_EVEN)) since I don't have inte...

Pixelate and divide into parts image with c#

Hi, I want to pixelate image and divide image into parts that pixelated then I would like to take the approximate color of that divided part. Imagine that fans are holding cartons and whole image is giving a shape and color of something ? as in googled image : http://www.fenerbahcemaclari.com/images/tribun_resim.jpg ...

jquery find if variable is divisible by 2

How do I figure out if a variable is divisible by 2? Furthermore I need do a function if it is and do a different function if it is not. ...

How to avoid double divide in loop?

Thank you for your help. My code looks like: var CatItems = ""; for(var x=0; x < data.PRODUCTS.length; x++) { if (x % 3 === 0) CatItems += '<li class="jcarousel-item jcarousel-item-horizontal jcarousel-item-'+[x]+' jcarousel-item-'+[x]+'-horizontal jcarousel-item-placeholder jcarousel-item-placeholder-horizontal">'; CatItems += '<div>...

Dividing a page with css

Im trying to devide a page in 2 parts but with 2 seperate css sheets but i dont want to use a frameset (horror), is there a possibility? ...

Is there any way to divide rgb color palette?

I'm trying to generate a color palette which has 16 colors. i will display this palette in 4x4 grid. so i have to find a way to rgb color palette which has 255*255*255 colors divided to 16 colors equally and logically. i think it's gonna be a mathematical algorithm. because i'm tring to pick 16 vectors from 3x3 matrix which picked in e...

objective-c divide always returns 0

Something really weird is happening. float p1 = (6 / 100); NSLog(@"p1 = %f", p1); With those two lines of code I get the following output: p1 = 0.000000 Why is a simple devide with static numbers not working! I have so much work to do to deal with divide not working! What he heck, am I crazy? ...

Divide and Get Remainder at the same time?

Apparently, x86 (and probably a lot of other instruction sets) put both the quotient and the remainder of a divide operation in separate registers. Now, we can probably trust compilers to optimize a code such as this to use only one call to divide: ( X / 6 ) ( x % 6 ) And they probably do. Still, do any languages (or libraries, but m...