
What would cause a Django template for loop to raise a Key Error?

I upgraded a working Django app to 1.1 and I now get a KeyError exception on a for loop! Template error In template /vol/.../templates/base_bbn.html, error at line 7 Caught an exception while rendering: 'django.contrib.comments.urls.' You would think that there couldn't be a KeyError on a for loop like this because there would be a ...

What to use for tagging in Django 1.1

Unless I'm missing something, it seems django-tagging (0.3) doesnt work on Django 1.1.x. I was having issues then search around and it seems to be the general concensious. What are other people using? Just in case here is all I'm doing. class Article(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) tags = TagField() tag...