
Installation problems with django-tagging

I am having problems using django-tagging. I try to follow the documentation but it fails at the second step Once you've installed Django Tagging and want to use it in your Django applications, do the following: Put 'tagging' in your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Run the command syncdb. The syncdb command create...

What is the best UI for selecting tags from a list of existing tags?

I am using django-tagging. My model simply contains a field with a comma separated list of tags. I would like the user to be able to select tags from a list of already existing tags and also allow the user to add tags. Still resulting a comma-separated list of tags. How would I do that? A pull down list doesn't work. I was thinking abou...

How to add a user to django-tagging

I'm looking for a way to add "user = models.ForeignKey(User, editable=False)" to django-tagging model with templatetags support but my django knowledge is too low to understand the code of django-tagging. ...

Retrieving tags for a specific queryset with django-tagging

I'm using django-tagging, and am trying to retrieve a list of tags for a specific queryset. Here's what I've got: tag = Tag.objects.get(name='tag_name') queryset = TaggedItem.objects.get_by_model(Article, tag) tags = Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(queryset, counts=True) "queryset" appropriately returns a number of articles th...

What are some useful non-built-in Django tags?

I'm relatively new to Django and I'm trying to build up my toolbox for future projects. In my last project, when a built-in template tag didn't do quite what I needed, I would make a mangled mess of the template to shoe-horn in the feature. I later would find a template tag that would have saved me time and ugly code. So what are some...

django-tagging loaddata error

I'm trying to do a transition from MySQL to SQLite for a small site. django-tagging is used for one of the models. For the transition I'm using the dumpdata loaddata method. The dumpdata command works fine to export everything from the MySQL database into JSON. When I try to run the loaddata command for the SQLite database, I get this ...

how do I filter tags with django-tagging?

I'm using the django app django-tagging and I'm trying to filter out certain tags for a simple tag search. the variable 'tag' is text of some tag I am searching for. 'Widget' is the model associated with the tags. tags = Tag.objects.usage_for_model(Widget, counts=True, filters=dict(tags__icontains=tag)) The code above sort of works. ...

What to use for tagging in Django 1.1

Unless I'm missing something, it seems django-tagging (0.3) doesnt work on Django 1.1.x. I was having issues then search around and it seems to be the general concensious. What are other people using? Just in case here is all I'm doing. class Article(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) tags = TagField() tag...

Retrieving untagged objects with django-tagging

What I'm looking for is a QuerySet containing any objects not tagged. The solution I've come up with so far looks overly complicated to me: # Get all tags for model tags = Location.tags.all().order_by('name') # Get a list of tagged location id's tag_list = tags.values_list('name', flat=True) tag_names = ', '.join(tag_list) tagged_loca...

Django-Tagging - count and ordering top "tags" (Is there a cleaner solution to mine?)

I'm using Django-Tagging, and I don't exactly need a cloud, I just want a limited list of the most popular tags used in my blog entries. Using the following: [(, int(tag.count)) for tag in Tag.objects.usage_for_model(Post, counts=True)] It returns an array (note I'm using Lorem Ipsum while I develop): [(u'deposit', 5), (u'e...

Added tagging to existing model, now how does its admin work?

I wanted to add a StackOverflow-style tag input to a blog model of mine. This is a model that has a lot of data already in it. class BlogPost(models.Model): # my blog fields try: tagging.register(BlogPost) except tagging.AlreadyRegistered: pass I thought that was all I needed so I went through my old database of blog post...

Is it ok to hardcode dynamic links in a permanent view?

Let's say I wanted to showcase 2-3 clickable buttons on my homepage which will be there permanently. These are links to the css, html, and javascript tag listing pages. Is it fine to just hardcode href=/tags/css and href=/tags/html right in my django templates/view? I won't change them for at least a year or so, meaning I don't think I...

Django-tagging: Grabbing objects by specifying multiple tags?

I currently have an entry in which fetches lone permalinks for my bugs: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from tagging.views import tagged_object_list from bugs.models import Bug # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin: from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns('', # Ex...

Organizing django-tagging tags or assigning properties to tags?

I'd like to categorize my tags. Here's an example of the tags I have now: css, internet-explorer, firefox, floats Each of those are separate tags ( 4 in total obviously ). I would like to mark the internet-explorer and firefox tags as browsers. Does django-tagging offer some sort of way for doing this or do I have to manually edit the ...

Categories of tags

I'm starting a pro bono project that is the web interface to the world's largest collection of lute music and it's a challenging collection from several points of view. The pieces are largely from 1400 to 1600, but they range from the mid-1200's to present day. Needless to say, there is tremendous variability in how the pieces are catego...

How make tags with properties in Django?

The django-tagging app provides basic tagging functionality. I need each tag also to have properties (category, description, etc.), basically a related table. What's your recommendation, should I try to get this with django-tagging or implement "my tagging" from scratch? ...

How to know if a new tag is created in django-tagging?

How can I know if a new tag is created for a model? Looks like the django-tagging API does not provide such method. I'm new to both Django and django-tagging app and would like to hear your advice. Update: what I'm trying to acomplish is to add more properties to tags. I think to have another model TagProperties linked to Tag model. And...

Django's I18N with third-party apps

I have a Django project which uses django-tagging and is supposed to run in German. So I looked into the sources and found that django-tagging does indeed use gettext_lazy and is thus completely translatable. However, there are no translations available in the package. So I assume there must be a way for me to translate it from within my...