
how to disable bulk_action in django 1.1 beta

Hi, I am using django 1.1 beta release. In my project I want to use bulk_action in some models only. How can I disable bulk_action from the remaining models? I want to totally remove action label along with the checkbox; in other words as it would look in Django 1.02. ...

Django: accessing the model instance from within ModelAdmin?

I've got a model for Orders in a webshop application, with an auto-incrementing primary key and a foreign key to itself, since orders can be split into multiple orders, but the relationship to the original order must be maintained. class Order(models.Model): ordernumber = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) parent_order = models....

list display

I am storing a image location in my model field named as 'banner'.now in list_display page i want to show that field as a image rather than the name.I have made a function which is the location of image but i cant see the image instead that i am seening string in my model banner is character varying field any solution? def get_bann...

Grabbing POST variable in form clean() method

Is there a straightforward way to access a POST variable to complete some custom validation lookups in a admin form field's clean method? def clean_order_price(self): if not self.cleaned_data['order_price']: try: existing_price = ProductCostPrice.objects.get(supplier=supplier, product_id=self.cleaned_data['product'], is_late...

Display model URL in admin

I've got a couple of models. Neither have any list view other than their admin entries. For that reason, it's a bit of a pain to manually work out the URLs for model instances. I would like to show a link on the listing and detail admin views that takes me directly to the public view. I can do the nonsense that works creates the URL but...

bulk action in django

I am using bulk action in my model.I have switched to django1.2 beta. I want to know that when i perform a bulk action on selected data ,it is not shown on 'action list'(recent actions) displayed at the starting page of django.But if i do some changes maually means as perform in earlier versions then it shows in action list ...

view on site

Why view on site linked to an unwanted page.Can i disable view on site ...

Form Validation in Admin with Inline formset and Model form

I have a model, OrderedList, which is intended to be a listing of content objects ordered by the user. The OrderedList has several attributes, including a site which it belongs to. The content objects are attached to it via an OrderedListRow class, which is brought into OrderedList's admin via an inline formset in the admin. class Orde...

changing admin site url

Is there a way to change the url to open the admin site in django? I don't want to use the default /admin url. I am new to django so please try giving a bit more detailed information. ...

Django: overriding 'unoverridable' admin templates per app instead of per project?

The Django documentation states the following clearly: Not every template in contrib\admin\templates\admin may be overridden per app or per model. It then lists the ones that can, and base.html, base_site.html and index.html – the ones I'm interested in – are not among those listed. They can be overridden per-project, but not per-a...

What's the easiest way to perform total calculations on child objects?

I need to perform a range of simple calculations on an Invoice model object, which has a number of Order children associated with it that hold the order quantity and order value etc. This is all managed through the admin form for Invoice (with order as inlines) The code I'm working with now performs these calcs like this: Invoice (mod...

python not starting properly

I have installed python and django in my system that uses win vista. Now when I go to command prompt and type python or both are not working. Every time I need to set the path to the python folder manually. But i have seen these commands running even without setting path. So how do i make it to run properly? ...

Where does the widgets/foreign.html file reside in django trunk?

I would like to override (create custom) widgets/foreign.html template for a ForeignKey field but can't find this in the source. Browsing the Django SVN respository I can find these files at revision: 7966, but they are removed after this revision;

Template in Django

Inline template In my template can I use a <a href> tag? I want that if there is a field named 'id' it should give a href link over there. I have tried following options: 1){% ifequal field.field.label "Id" %} <a href =../../{{field.field}}>click here </a> 2){% ifequal field.field.label "Id" %} <a href ="../../{{field.field}}">clic...

Tying in to Django Admin's Model History

The Setup: I'm working on a Django application which allows users to create an object in the database and then go back and edit it as much as they desire. Django's admin site keeps a history of the changes made to objects through the admin site. The Question: How do I hook my application in to the admin site's change...

Admin Form Integration for Custom Model Fields in Django

I need a model field composed of a numeric string for a Django app I'm working on and since one doesn't exist I need to roll my own. Now I understand how "get_db_prep_value" and such work, and how to extend the Model itself (the django documentation on custom model fields is an invaluable resource.), but for the life of me I can't seem ...

Contextual form validation in Django

I want to do "contextal" form validation in django. Consider this case: PLACE_TYPES = ( ('RESTAURANT', 'Restaurant'), ('BARCLUB', 'Bar / Club'), ('SHOPPING', 'Shopping'), ) RESTURANT_FORMAT_CHOICES = ( ('FAST_FOOD', 'Fast Food'), ('FAST_CASUAL', 'Fast Casual'), ('CASUAL', 'Casual'), ('CHEF_DRIVEN', 'Chef Dr...

Custom Filter in Django Admin

How can I add a custom filter to django admin (the filters that appear on the right side of a model dashboard)? I know its easy to include a filter based on a field of that model, but what about a "calculated" field like this: class NewsItem(models.Model): headline = models.CharField(max_length=4096, blank=False) byline_1 = mod...

Django admin: turning off DB transactions

I noticed that by default, all updates in the django admin site are done as transactions. I need to either: - turn off transactions (globally or for a particular admin view) - inside of a save() method of an entity being saved via the admin interface, commit the transaction The reason is that I overrode the save() method, and am noti...

Writing tests for Django's admin actions

I'm using Django 1.1 beta and hoping to use admin actions. I have to write unit tests for those, but I don't get it how to write tests for them. For normal view handler functions, I can use Django's TestClient to simulate http request/response, but how should it be done with admin actions? ...