
Getting the SQL from a Django QuerySet

How do I get the SQL that Django will use on the database from a QuerySet object? I'm trying to debug some strange behavior, but I'm not sure what queries are going to the database. Thanks for your help. ...

How to SelectMany using a Django QuerySet?

Suppose I have two models, A and B, where an A can have multiple Bs related to it. Given a QuerySet of A objects, how can I create a QuerySet containing all the B objects related to all these A objects? For those who also happen to speak LINQ, I want something like this: queryableOfA.SelectMany(a => a.Bs) Even better would be an exam...

How to properly iterate over a huge QuerySet in django?

I need to retrieve 5 objects that match a certain complex criteria, and I can't/don't want to pass that criteria to the WHERE clause(filter in django), so I need to iterate over the results, testing each record for the criteria until I get my 5 objects, after that I want to throw the query set away and never see it again. In most cases...

Django: Please help with this queryset

I have a Django model, shown below, that I use to keep track of which ip addresses visit my site and when. class Visit(models.Model): created = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow) ip = models.IPAddressField(editable=False) I'd like to write a method on this model that returns the number of days i...

How to "filter" by "exists" in Django?

I would like to filter a queryset by whether a certain subquery returns any results. In SQL this might look like this: SELECT * FROM events e WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tags t WHERE t.event_id = AND t.text IN ("abc", "def")) In other words, retrieve all events which are tagged with one of the specified tags. How might I exp...

Django - Make two separate queries, combine the results, then eliminate duplicates

Is there a fast and easy way to do this? I haven't been able to find anything that's already out there that seems to do this already. Since it's a queryset, i don't think i can use the unique properties of Set to solve the problem either. any ideas? ...

Django, queryset to return manytomany of self

Following regular manytomany queryset logic gives me errors. I guess since its related to self, I might need to do some extra magic, but i can't figure out what magic. model: class Entry(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name='title') related = models.ManyToManyField('self', related_name=...

Django: Generating a queryset from a GET request

I have a Django form setup using GET method. Each value corresponds to attributes of a Django model. What would be the most elegant way to generate the query? Currently this is what I do in the view: def search_items(request): if 'search_name' in request.GET: query_attributes = {} query_attributes['color'] = request...

How to filter a django queryset using an array on a field like SQL's "IN" ?

I'd like to filter a django queryset using an array as a constraint on a field. AKA, my array, for example, a set of primary keys. I want to get only the objects that would be in that array, like the query in SQL would be SELECT * from table where id in [1,3,4,5,6....]; ...