
django-registration activation_email.txt.

how does it write. code example please. ...

Using nginx/fcgi/django, I have form posts that give a 504 gateway time-out

I have an app that uses Django with FCGI on nginx. I'm using the third-party apps like James Bennett's django-registration and django-messages from the Pinax Project. Both of these apps have forms that are submitted and save data into the database, then redirect on to a new URL. My issue seems to be that the .save() method on any of the...

How do I set session variables at login using django-registration and auth?

I'm using django-registration to log users into my application. That part works fine. The part that I cannot figure out is how to set custom session variables when the user logs in. For instance, I'd like to populate variables containing UserProfile data as well as the output of a few other functions. Then I'd be able to use that inf...

django-registration with paypal integration

I'm trying to figure out how to integrate django-registration with django-paypal. Being a Django n00b, I'm trying to figure out how to implement a flow like this: User signs up using django-registation with 'active' flag set to 0 After registering, send user to PayPal for a subscription When they come back from PayPal successfully, I ...

Django login, logout urls and current user name

Hi Guys, I'm new to Django and just just got django-registration up and running. Could anyone tell me how to get a get a log-in, log-out url name and the name of the current user in my template. Are these called template tags? IS there a comprehensive list somewhere for all the default variables supplied with Django. I'm a little lost ...

django-registration "remember me"

Hi! I need to implement a "Remember me" button in a login form that uses the django-registration app. Any ane can help me showing me the way for do this? Thanks ...

send activate-email with django-registration

Hi All, I curius about how to send activated email with username, password by using django-registration. First I think about modify registrationform but I need some example. ...

Problem in adding custom fields to django-registration

I tried extending RegistrationFormUniqueEmail class CustomRegistrationFormUniqueEmail(RegistrationFormUniqueEmail): first_name = forms.CharField(label=_('First name'), max_length=30,required=True) last_name = forms.CharField(label=_('Last name'), max_length=30, required=True) def save(self, profile_callback=None): ne...

Installing and using django-registration

Hi. Previously I've been using some older version of django-registration which seems to be deprecated now. Because my server does not allow me to install python plugins I need to use 'registration' as separate django application. Now my question is what do I need to modify in order to get registation running as django-app ? Can I just co...

How to avoid creating 'username' in django-auth

In my django project I need to add registration function. Problem is that in registration process I can't use a 'userprofile' anywhere. My user is defined by 'first name' , 'last name' and some other data. How to achieve this ? Apart of enabling contrib.auth and 'registration' I've created a 'user' application. In user.models I have an e...

Complex authentication problem in django

I have the following problem to solve. In my project users (defined by first name, last name and personal id number ) have the possibility to register accounts. Each registered user (let's call him 'user1') can also add data of up to 4 friends. Those friends then later can join the community themselves, and their profile should disappear...

Extending django-registration using signals

I have found here on stackoverflow a solution to extend django-registration with new fields using signals. Here's the link : . I have created extended profile model, extended form, added required options to settings , defined urls and the proper form is displayed but only normal User (from auth module) is created....

propagating ?next= in django-registration

I have a view that has the @login_required decorator and upon pulling up the page, if you are not logged in it does send you to the login form with the proper ?next=/url/you/tried/to/see My problem is how to I pass along that ?next value to the subsequent forms and activation email so that when the user completes the activation process ...

Simple form not validating

I have found here on stackoverflow a method to extend django's built-in authentication using signals. My base User is defined by 'email' and passwords (so no username there). So I'm trying to modify it to my needs, but I'm geting a validation error for my form. Strange thing is that error is connected to the field and I'm gett...

How to make multiple user types when signing up?

I'm using Django 1.2 and I want to have two user types (one for companies and one for consultants). I will either use an object in my model (something like a boolean for is_company or is_consultant) or Django's groups to distinguish them--depending on which is easier for this problem. I guess it wouldn't be much of a problem if I weren...

How do customize django-registration (pass parameters, use other built-in forms)

Hello, I a new to django and python. I have however managed to build a small part of my application and I am in the point where I want to add a user registration feature. I have downloaded and installed django-administration and so far I have been impressed with the basic and default configuration. BUT upon trying to customize some of...

Connecting a django-registration signal

I have a function: def create(sender, **kw): [...] Which should be called when the user_activated signal from django-registration is called. I connect the signal and the function using this: from registration.signals import user_activated [...] post_save.connect(create, sender=user_activated, dispatch_uid="users-atactivation-signa...

Django Registration Number of users logged in

I have an application where I would like to display the number of users that are logged into the system. Im trying to determine the cleanest way to do this that will not create a large load on the system. I know that the system keeps track of the "last logged in time" So I could do a query and aggreate the number of users whose last log...

Where do I set my site url in django settings?

Ok I think I must be missing something. In I don't see the local setting for absolute url for the site. I see there is a media_url. In django registration it references {{ site }} which is defaulting to but I'm not seeing that in any settings. If I want the and to work independently?...

Anyone knows a good hack to make django-registration use emails as usernames?

I am planning to do email-registration-activation on my site which will be launched very soon. I have just started looking at django-registration and I am open to other email-registration-activation system available on django. My only requirement is that for my site, I don't actually use usernames. Rather, user logs in with their email...