
Using south to refactor a Django model with inheritence

I was wondering if the following migration is possible with Django south and still retain data. Before: I currently have two apps, one called tv, one called movies, each with a VideoFile model (simplified here): tv/ class VideoFile(models.Model): show = models.ForeignKey(Show, blank=True, null=True) name = models.Ch...

What does "Migrating a Django application" mean?

I kept thinking a lot about the meaning of migrating a Django app the last few days and heard about migrating Django apps with django-south. Maybe it's just the lack of sufficient English skills (as English is not my native language) or this is one of the things you confront in a programmer's life which are so simple, that it takes a gen...

Django South data migration is running twice

I have a migration: ... def forwards(self, orm): for p in products.models.Product.objects.all(): new = cart.models.Product(title = p.title) def backwards(): ... But when I run migrate it runs through the loop twice. ...

Java equivalent for database schema changes like South for Django?

I've been working on a Django project using South to track and manage database schema changes. I'm starting a new Java project using Google Web Toolkit and wonder if there is an equivalent tool. For those who don't know, here's what South does: Automatically recognize changes to my Python database models (add/delete columns, tables etc...

Django 1.2 and south problem

Hi, I was using python 2.5 and django 1.0.2. But I moved to python 2.6 and django 1.2 recently and I'm getting the following error now during the migrate: alex@alex-desktop:~/server/mx30$ python migrate Running migrations for peer_center: - Migrating forwards to 0005_adding_config_model. > peer_center: 0001_initial > peer...

Django South Foreign Keys referring to pks with Custom Fields

I'm working with a legacy database which uses the MySQL big int so I setup a simple custom model field to handle this: class BigAutoField(models.AutoField): def get_internal_type(self): return "BigAutoField" def db_type(self): return 'bigint AUTO_INCREMENT' # Note this won't work with Oracle. This works fine w...

Problems with South/Django: not recognizing the Django App

I've got a Django project on my machine and when I try to use South to migrate the data schema, I get several odd errors. Example: $ python convert_to_south thisLocator /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/registration/ DeprecationWarning: the sha >module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead import...

Django 1.2 + South 0.7 + django-annoying's AutoOneToOneField leads to TypeError: 'LegacyConnection' object is not iterable

I'm using Django 1.2 trunk with South 0.7 and an AutoOneToOneField copied from django-annoying. South complained that the field does not have rules defined and the new version of South no longer has an automatic field type parser. So I read the South documentation and wrote the following definition (basically an exact copy of the OneToOn...

South migration error: NoMigrations exception for django.contrib.auth

I have been using South on my project for a while, but I recently did a huge amount of development and changed development machine and I think something messed up in the process. The project works fine, but I can't apply migrations. Whenever I try to apply a migration I get the following traceback: danpalmer:pest Dan$ python m...

Django-reversion and south compatibility

Does django-reversion work well with south migrations? Are django-reversion and south compatible? Current versions: - reversion - 1.2.1 - south - 0.7.1 ...

force delete row on django app after migration

After a migration with south, I ended up deleting a column. Now the current data in one of my tables is screwed up and I want to delete it, but attempts to delete just result in an error: >>> d = Degree.objects.all() >>> d.delete() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> File "C:\Python26\lib\site-p...

Django South: How to create rules for a Custom Field?

I've create a custom field "Private FileField". I'm not able to get it to work with django-south. My understanding of South field rules is based on and Relevant snippets are: class FileField(models.CharField): __meta...

Django South: Creating schemamigration for more than one app

I'M using django south on a bigger project, the only thing I don't like about it, that you can't create schemamigrations for all of your apps at once (I have a lot of apps that inherit from the same abstract model, if I change that base model there are alot of apps to migrate) - thought you can actually migrate all of them at once (usin...

Django - Reversion and South - How to update past revisions while updating a model?

I would like to preserve past revisions of MyModel instances, while updating and migrating MyModel with south. Is it possible to update the past revisions? Is it necessary to update the revisions on all types of changes to the model? What kind of changes, if any, will force me to erase the revision history no matter what? Is there an el...

Django - How to rename a model field using South?

I would like to change a name of specific fields in a model: class Foo(models.Model): name = models.CharField() rel = models.ForeignKey(Bar) should change to: class Foo(models.Model): full_name = models.CharField() odd_relation = models.ForeignKey(Bar) What's the easiest way to do this using South? ...

How do I access auth User's User.objects.create_user(...) in a south migration?

Instead of using django's auth module I've used my own and already regret it a lot. In an effort to rectify the situation, I'm trying to migrate the data from my User model to django.auth.models.User. I've created a data migration as follows: def forwards(self, orm): """Migrate user information from mooi User model to auth User mo...

How to call a static methods on a django model class during a south migration

I'm writing a data migration in south to fix some denormalized data I screwed up in earlier code. The way to figure out the right value for the incorrect field is to call a static method on the django model class. The code looks like this: class Account(models.Model): name = models.CharField() @staticmethod def lookup_by_...

Extending South Introspection in Django

I have a custom app which I wanted to start using South with. It uses a FK for associating a blog entry from another app (proprietary, not written by me). Problem is when I try to run the initial schemamigration I get an error that some of the blog entry app's fields cannot be frozen. The fields that can't be frozen are fields that us...

How to rename a foreignkey field with South ?

Renaming a simple charfield etc seems easy ( However when I try using the same on a ForeignKey field I get an error: _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1091, "Can't DROP '[new_fkey_field_name]'; check that column/key exists") Which stems from...

migrating django-model field-name change without losing data

I have a django project with a database table that already contains data. I'd like to change the field name without losing any of the data in that column. My original plan was to simply change the model field name in a way that would not actually alter the name of the db table (using the db_column column parameter): The original model...