
Problem with Django request.GET and multiple variables for the same parameter name

In a django view etc. you can access the request.GET['variablename'], so in your view you can return do something like this: myvar = request.GET['myvar'] The actual request.GET['myvar'] object type is: <class 'django.http.QueryDict'> Now, if you want to pass multiple variables with for the same parameter name i.e

Help with regex to extract value from URL anchor

In Django URL patterns, what's the proper way to take this URL: http://example/i/fb/#access_token=12345678910|b1827b912847b81938747b91849-193867192305817|EKWOGJhcinWIjWij8174-NgjRojb&amp;expires_in=0 And create variables: access_token = 12345678910|b1827b912847b81938747b91849-193867192305817|EKWOGJhcinWIjWij8174-NgjRojb expires_in = ...

Django question

Hello, I have a django app that suppose to display invoices and clients. Now for some reasons When I run the Django sever, for some reasons it only displays the invoice data in invoice_list but cannot displays the clients data in clients_list. The clients data does shows up in another view, but not in invoice_details view. EDIT: I Seem...

Language problem with date based generic views

I've changed the language-code from en-us to es-ar and the url's began to fail. Example: When I click in "Agosto 2010" the URL is "" and the server couldn't finde the page. But if I browse " the server finds and shows the page. urlpatterns = patterns('django....

Automatically add a variable into context on per-application basis in Django?

I want to add a context variable in Django, so that I could define its value on per-application basis, or leave it empty. Example: apps/someapp/ def_context_var('app_name', 'Calendar') templates/base.html: {% if app_name %}You are in {{ app_name }} app.{% endif %} .... {% if app_name %}Subsections of {{ app_name }}: ...{%...

tag url template django doesn't work

HI guys, I trying to implement the url template tag into my project. I have a button that allows the user to save the data he is seeing. So the url of this button is this: (2)url(r'^nameviews/download/$', '' name="load"), template: <a href="{% url load %}">Download</a> the url of the page that shows the ...

django template "file name too long"

I'm very new to Python and Django so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. I have the following line url(r'^$', direct_to_template, {'template':'index.html', 'extra_context':{'featured_actors': lambda: User.objects .annotate(avatars_nb=Co...

Django 0.96 and url

I want to get the absolute url of a given action in Django 0.96 (using Google App Engine). I have this url configuration: from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns urlpatterns = patterns('framework.facebook',(r'^canvas/invite_friends$','views.inviteFriends'), ) In my template: window._url = '{% url views.inviteFriends %}'; I...

Why does django page cms get_absolute_url return an empty string?

I am having issues with get_absolute_url in my django templates when using django page cms. It returns an empty string and does not link to my required page. I have the following Models, URLs templates and views Models class Body(models.Model): ... url = models.SlugField(unique=True, help_text='---') urls (r'^news/', include('news...