
Django url debugger

I'm developing a django application and over time, the URLs have grown. I have a lot of them with me now and due to some change I made, one view started to malfunction. When I try to GET, it's supposed to execute a view certain view function X but it's executing Y instead. Somewhere the url routing is ...

How do I redirect in Django with context?

I have a view that validates and saves a form. After the form is saved, I'd like redirect back to a list_object view with a success message "form for customer xyz was successfully updated..." HttpResponseRedirect doesn't seem like it would work, because it only has an argument for the url, no way to pass dictionary with it. I've tri...

Django url doesn't match even though it should.

In browser I get: Request URL: http://xxxxxx:8000/person/test/ Using the URLconf defined in person.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: ^person/ ^$ ^person/ ^person/(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/$ ^admin/ The current URL, person/test/, didn't match any of these. In python shell I get: import re url = 'person/test/' p...

Django's HttpResponseRedirect() + reverse() truncating port number in URL

I run my local development server on port 8000 because my ISP blocks port 80. The problem is when using: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('foobar')) Django (for some reason) truncates the port from the URL - but it has no problem resolving it in the context of template tags e.g.: {% url foobar %}. Since I'm attempting to reduce th...

django url pattern for %20

In Django what is the url pattern I need to use to handle urlencode characters such as %20 I am using (?P<name>[\w]+) but this only handles alphanumeric characters so % is causing an error ...

Use Django flatpages without sites

Is there any that I can have a catch all site with flatpage framework in Django? I have one site but you can get to it through a few DNS names that change constantly. I need to map these all to a single site and flatpages seems bent on me pre-specifying my domain entries. ...

How to write a request filter / preprocessor in Django

I am writing an application in Django, which uses [year]/[month]/[title-text] in the url to identitfy news items. To manage the items I have defined a number of urls, each starting with the above prefix. urlpatterns = patterns('msite.views', (r'^(?P<year>[\d]{4})/(?P<month>[\d]{1,2})/(?P<slug>[\w]+)/edit/$', 'edit'), (r'^(?P<ye...

Facing problem with user profile url scheme like in django

In a django app, I need to create twitter user profile urls with following structure like:<username><username>/friends<username>/blog<username>/some-page<username>/some-other-page My urlpatterns = patterns('profiles.views', url(r'^(?P<account_name>[a-zA-Z0...

How do I create a url pattern like controller/action/id in django?

I'm trying to create a url pattern that will behave like controller/action/id route in rails. So far here is what I have : from django.conf.urls.defaults import * import views urlpatterns = ('', (r'^(?P<app>\w+)/(?P<view>\w+)/$', views.select_view), ) Here is my '': def select_view(request, app, v...

Django restart server or httpd

In django framework,When there are changes in or or .We would restart httpd. But as the documentation says we could restart runserver to get the latest changes. Which is the best efficient way for doing the above ...

Django: routing same model but different category field to separate URLs

I have the following model and url routes. There is one Post model that I want to route to different URLs based on the category. Is there a way to do this by passing in extra information in app/ In app/posts/ class Post(models.Model): author = ... title = ... body = ... category = models.CharField() ...

How to capture multiple arguments using a single RegEx in my Django

I've got an application that allows you to filter data via 3 fields. I'm trying to write a RegEx in my that can capture multiple combinations without having to write-out each possible combination it it's own URL. Here's my urlpatterns = patterns('', # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin: (r...

add request.GET variable using django.shortcuts.redirect

Is possible to add GET variables in a redirect ? (Without having to modifiy my If I do redirect('url-name', x) I get HttpResponseRedirect('/my_long_url/%s/', x) I don't have complains using HttpResponseRedirect('/my_long_url/%s/?q=something', x) instead, but just wondering... ...

How To Create A Form With Generic Relations In Django

Hi, How can I create a Form with normal form elements and generic elements together as ModelForm For using frontend CRUD. For example; Generic Model: class Todo(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="todo") title = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=False) slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50) ...

Calling a Django URL from JavaScript

Hi all... *EDITED THIS QUESTION FOR CLARITY* I have a Django template with a flash object in it. The template itself inherits from the main template and is in a block called info. Everything works ok with that! When the flash object is clicked it calls a JavaScript callback function, with a parameter, in a separate js file. Within thi...

custom html field in the django admin changelist_view

Hi Stackers' I'd like to some little customisation with the django admin -- particularly the changelist_view class FeatureAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( 'content_object_change_url', 'content_object', 'content_type', 'active', 'ordering', 'is_published', ) list_edit...

Django: request.GET and KeyError

Code: # it's an ajax request, so parameters are passed via GET method def my_view(request): my_param = request.GET['param'] // should I check for KeyError exception? In PHP Frameworks I typically have to check for parameter to exists and redirect user somewhere if it does not. But in Django unexisted parameter results in 500 error...

Django Context Processors: Is it possible to access current context in ContextProcessor ?

Is there a way I can access current context passed by view in custom context processor so I can add missing variable if I want rather than overriding existing variable ? What I'm trying to Achieve: I construct my URL's like this /city_slug/ and I want to check if city variable already exist in context, otherwise I want to add city to...

Error when redirecting after login in Django 1.2

I've been getting this error: The requested admin page does not exist. I've got a view at the URL /members/ which is protected by @login_required. When I'm not logged-in and visit the /members/ URL, I get redirected to: When I enter my login credentials and click "Log in", I g...

getting @permalink decrator to work with django generic views?

Hey guys, Maybe i am missing something, but according to the django docs (1.2), i have setup my URLS, models exactly as specified to ensure i am not hard-coding urls returned for get_absolute_url. Here's what i have: in urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.list_detail', url(r'^$','object_list', { 'que...