
Unable to override SelectMultiple widget in ModelForm (Django)

I have a ManyToManyField that I want to present in a form, as a CheckboxSelectMultiple widget. Why don't any of these methods work? (See Attempt #1, #2 and #3 below.) According to everything I've read in the docs and on SO, at least one of them should work. But I still have a stubborn SelectMultiple widget that refuses to budge. from d...

How do I use Django's MultiWidget?

The documentation is a bit lacking with respect to this feature. from django import forms class TwoInputWidget(forms.MultiWidget): """An example widget which concatenates two text inputs with a space""" def __init__(self, attrs=None): widgets = [forms.TextInput, forms.TextInput] I can see I need to create a "widgets" ...

django modelform css class for select

Hi. I am trying to add in a class with the name of autocomplete into one of my select. class MyForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = MyModel exclude = ['user'] def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['specie'].queryset = Specie.objects....

How to change Django NullBooleanField widget application wide?

I would want to display all NullBooleanFields in my application as radio buttons. What's the best way to do it? Following template or something similar would be ideal. Just to allow rich styling and tone-of-voice different from plain "Yes/No/Unknown". '''<li class="field-%s"> <label class="%s" title="%s">%s</label> <label class...

Caught DoesNotExist while rendering: Photo matching query does not exist.

When I do the following inside an admin file: photo = Photo.objects.get(original_image__exact=file_name) val = photo.admin_thumbnail.url I get this error: Caught DoesNotExist while rendering: Photo matching query does not exist. Here is my class: class AdminImageWidget(forms.FileInput): """ A ImageField Widget for admin t...