
Telling IKImageBrowserView not to schedule preloading

For our rewrite of the open-source iMedia framework project (in use currently by dozens of developers), we are switching to IKImageBrowserView, and having a troubling time with caching. It appears that IKImageBrowserView likes to preload/prefetch a cache of images, as a low-priority background task, as many not-yet-visible items that it...

How to iterate over columns of an image?

I want to transform images like this to add an effect to pictures in django as described here. I decided to implement it as a process for the great django-imagekit/photologue My knowledge of PIL isn't very good, so my question is How to intend a column of pixels by a sinus-offset in PIL? any hints (code, lins, general thoughts) ar...

Integrating Photologue

I want to integrate photologue with my Django app and use it to display photos in a vehicle inventory...kinda like what is offered by Boost Motor Group Inc. I've already integrated the app so the next step which I'm trying to figure out is how to hook it up into my vehicle model and also how to display the photos. My vehicle model looks...

Using thickbox with imagekit

I want to use jQuery Thickbox for displaying my images but so far when I click on a thumbnail all I get is the loading progress bar. I've set up my display as below (maybe this will help) <div class="thumbs"> {% for p in photos %} <a href="{{ p.original_image.url }}" title="{{ p.position.position }}" class="thickbox" rel="gallery...

How to generate a choicelist from all ImageSpecs

I want to generate a choicelist for all specs that inherit from imagekit.specs.ImageSpec. The idea is to allow users of the admin interface to select an ImageSpec to add to a picture. i.e: class Display(ImageSpec): pre_cache = True increment_count = True processors = [ResizeDisplay,] class SingleDisplay(ImageSpec): pr...

How to interpret trackpad pinch gestures to zoom IKImageBrowserView

I have an IKImageBrowserView that I want to be able to pinch-zoom using a multi-touch trackpad on a recent Mac laptop. The Cocoa Event Handling Guide, in the section Handling Gesture Events says: The magnification accessor method returns a floating-point (CGFloat) value representing a factor of magnification ..and goes on to show ...

Display thumbnails in an object list using Django and django-imagekit

How do I display thumbnails for my item list....also is it possible to display just a specific thumbnail or a random thumbnail? So far I have this in my template: {% for p in item.images.all %} {{ p.get_thumbnail.url }} {% endfor %} ...

Cocoa ImageCaptureCore and scanner calibration

I'm successfully using ImageCaptureCore to scan and save images. However, if the scanner hasn't been calibrated by some other app, the resulting image quality is very poor. I've found that the ImageCapture libraries have no methods to automagically create and save calibration data for the scanner. How should scanner calibration be h...

Output location of images for django-imagekit

I'm trying to output a list of images that belong to each record in my app as below: pri_photo = vehicle.images.all()[:1] sec_photos = vehicle.images.all()[1:] This first part is OK. The part I'm having issues with is when I try pri_photo.original_image.url sec_photos.original_image.url The above two lines of code give me a 'Query...

Observing NSUserDefaultsController not working when bound properties are set

Here's the setup: I have a subclass of IKImageBrowserView whose zoomValue property is bound to a key VFBrowserZoomValue in the shared NSUserDefaultsController. I have an NSSlider whose value binding is bound to the same key. This works perfectly to change the zoomValue of the browser from the slider. I'm trying to implement -magnifyWi...

Changing how IKImageBrowserView indicates the drop position

I can make a single row IKImageBrowserView by setting the [imageBrowser setContentResizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable]; but in this case while i drag an image inside image browser to rearrange it, the drop place highlights with horizontal line(vertical line expected). how can this be changed? Many thanks. ...

DJANGO ImageKit Functionality

I'm putting together a very basic time-lapse sequence of images (about 120 images total). I've installed imagekit, adjusted the file to my needs, populated the database with "pointers", imagekit has generated thumbnails.....all is well. my includes: def pics(request): p = Photo.objects.all() return...

adding options to IKSaveOptions?

I have an ImageKit program that needs to be able to save images, so I'm using the IKSaveOptions accessory view, to allow the user to choose a file type, etc. However, I want to remove some of the options, and add a checkbox to the panel for TIFFs. Alternatively, I want to add a type of file. However I can't figure out how to do this. I ...

Another IKImageView Question: copying a region

I'm trying to use the select and copy feature of the IKImageView. If all you want to do is have an app with an image, select a portion and copy it to the clipboard, it's easy. You set the copy menu pick to the first responder's copy:(id) method and magically everything works. However, if you want something more complicated, like you wan...

onmouseover with django / imagekit

I'm using Imagekit. includes: def pics(request): p = Photo.objects.all() return render_to_response('Shots.html', {'p': p}) The following simple code in the template will generate associated images: {% for p in p %} <img src = "{{ p.display.url }}"> <img src = "{{ p.thumbnail_image.url }}"> {% endfo...

IKImageView resize is blocky

I am putting an image into an IKImageView, and immediately sizing it to fit. Whenever I do this, the image originally appears at 1-1 size (huge) and then resizes down, which would be fine if the animation was smooth. However, the animation looks ... fluttery? There are big blocks, like 2 inches square, of the image that appear and shrink...

Is there a way to initialize ImageKit's IKSaveOptions to default to TIFF with LZW compression?

I'm using Mac OS X 10.6 SDK ImageKit's IKSaveOptions to add the file format accessory to an NSSavePanel using: - (id)initWithImageProperties:(NSDictionary *)imageProperties imageUTType:(NSString *)imageUTType; and - (void)addSaveOptionsAccessoryViewToSavePanel:(NSSavePanel *)savePanel; I have tried creating an NSDictionary to speci...

How do I select a camera with imageKit pictureTaker?

I would like to use imageKit pictureTaker to take a picture using a digital SLR camera. Buy I can only get pictureTaker to select the iSight. ...

Resizing image on upload with django-imagekit

Hi, I am using imagekit to handle custom size of uploaded images. While it works fine for creating custom size images with this, I'd like to use imagekit to resize the original image on upload. Is this possible? ...

Cocoa : How do I catch drag operations initiated from an IKBrowserView?

So I've got an IKBrowserView all wired up and happily dragging my custom datatype (provided lazily via PasteboardItem) from one window to another, but now I'm interested in detecting when the user drops some data onto the trashcan. Cocoa's documentation says to check the return type of the drag operation itself, but how exactly do I do t...