
adding options to IKSaveOptions?

I have an ImageKit program that needs to be able to save images, so I'm using the IKSaveOptions accessory view, to allow the user to choose a file type, etc. However, I want to remove some of the options, and add a checkbox to the panel for TIFFs. Alternatively, I want to add a type of file. However I can't figure out how to do this. I ...

Is there a way to initialize ImageKit's IKSaveOptions to default to TIFF with LZW compression?

I'm using Mac OS X 10.6 SDK ImageKit's IKSaveOptions to add the file format accessory to an NSSavePanel using: - (id)initWithImageProperties:(NSDictionary *)imageProperties imageUTType:(NSString *)imageUTType; and - (void)addSaveOptionsAccessoryViewToSavePanel:(NSSavePanel *)savePanel; I have tried creating an NSDictionary to speci...