
Browser problem with smartgwt drag & drop

hello friends, I'm new to smartGWT. I've taken GWT components in a canvas that is draggable & added it into VStack. My code is working fine in IE but it is dissapearing on Firefox/Chrome. Any help is appreciable. Thanks in advance. ...

How to receive key events during a drag&drop?

Hi there, I'm currently trying to receive key events during a drag and drop, but it seems to me that the focus is taken away while dragging so that I can't listen to any key events. I'm dragging a JComponent subclass that implements KeyListener and requests the focus in the DragSourceListener's dragEnter method, but my assumption is th...

Dojo dnd input box

I'm trying to move the contents of an input box using Dojo DnD, so the HTML looks something like this: <div id="input_box"> <input type="text" class="my_input_box_style" /> </div> And the JavaScript looks something like this: var dndSource = new dojo.dnd.AutoSource(dojo.byId("input_box"), { singular: true, copyOnly: true, sel...

Java: Cut item from JTree with lazy-deleting

I've implemented Drag'n'Drop and CCP on my JTree (I've created my Transferable and TransferHandler classes). By default Cut action (CTRL-X or SHIFT+DELETE keys) delete item from JTree (JTreeModel), but I want just to mark it with gray color and delete it only after Paste action. How could I make Cut action to avoid deleting items? I d...

Java DnD - Java Component to .Net Component

I'm trying to use Java drag and drop to drag an object from a JTree into a native .NET component that is embedded in my app. This .NET component only accepts File objects, so I'm having trouble with the DnD's Transferable object. Anyone know how I can make this Transferable "look" like a file to this .Net component? p.s. I need this ...

How can I change JList d'n'd target indicator

Hi! I have horizontal JList. When user drags element of this list, there is indicator where draged element would be when it droped. But this indicator is horizontal and appears above or under elements of the list. So how can I change it? I want it to be vertical. Code creating list: DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel(); // I...

Drag and Drop in GWT using gwt dnd

Hi, I have been really struggling to get Drag and Drop working in GWT. Last 3 days, I was trying to create a basic drag and drop application and failed. Currently I can drag it around, but I am unable to drop to any location. How can we solve it? Do we need to modify onDragEnd - I am under the impression that unless I specifically h...

How to find out the drag source component in the drop target TransferHandler?

Question is regarding Java 5 and Drag n Drop. Is there a way to determine the drag source component in the drop target TransferHandler? I need to know this in my canImport(..) or importData(..) method in order to take different actions for transfer data of the same type or DataFlavor. The way I have achieved this currently is to hijac...

How to drag and drop multiple elements with jQuery Drag and Drop (with jQuery 1.4.x)

There is a plugin in the jQuery plugins repository, http://plugins.jquery.com/project/multidraggable, that does this for jQuery 1.3.x. When I use it in 1.4.x (and jQuery UI 1.8.x), I am able to select multiple elements, but when I drag, only one element is dragged. Can anyone help explain how I could get this working? Not sure if th...

How can I disable moving in jsTree, but not disabling drag'n'drop plugin?

How to disable moving in jsTree 1.0, but not disabling dnd plugin? Thanks. ...

Dojo abort drag/drop operation in dnd/drop/before

Hi All, I wanted to know if there is a way I can abort the default drop operation in dojo. I am doing some custom manipulation in the function, dojo.subscribe("/dnd/drop/before", function(source, nodes, iscopy){ //Custom manipulation }); And from this function, I want to cancel the drop, similar to what happens when you press t...

Dojo and extending dojo.dnd.Target

Hi I'm trying to extend the dojo.dnd.Target class, but have failed as for now. I want to create several different classes that extend target that will do some different tasks for me. The effect that I have right now is when I'm trying to move an element to a target the avatar is red and it behaves like the acceptance for this target is ...

JSTree DND Event at Drag Starting Point

I have a external draggable object (draggable implemented through jstee's dnd) on which I need to perform a check before the object starts dragging. I'm looking for a method much like "drag_finish" or a binding I can use, but at the start of the dragging event. ...

Dojo Query, Query ?

I am trying to use dojo drag and drop within an application. Although I have ran into a little problem basically when a user drops an item into a dijit pane I would like it to target the table below the dijit. I have been able to acheive this if I do the following: day1Drop = new dojo.dnd.Target(dijitDiv.id,{accept: ["shift"]} ); //...

JsTree with dnd plugin, always copy

Hi, I have 2 trees using jsTree and dnd plugin. I want that each drag operation to be a copy instead of a move. There is a "copy_modifier" which works Ok when pressing a modifier key, but I want copy to be the default behavior without the modifier. Any ideas? Thanks, Adrian ...