
how to create Template using DNN??

I am new for DNN i dont know how and where to create a page Template in DNN? can anybody forward me some tutorial link? ...

IIS7 log files reporting mass errors from weird user agent: Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;)

I'm getting a ton of weird log entries reporting: cs-uri-stem: /ErrorInvalidURL.aspx (my custom 404 page) cs-uri-query: aspxerrorpath=/Portals/0/Skins/MyCustomSkin/ErrorInvalidURL.aspx (seems to be coming from my skin folder) I did some queries with LogParser and the majority of these errors are coming from the user agent: Mozilla/4....

dnn - adding module to right pane

what am i doing wrong? i want to add an html module to the right pane with the intent it will show on every page after the single addition tot he pane. the pane is used on every portal page. when i add the module i needed to do it on a page by page basis. whats the method to correctly add it to the pane once and have the change reflect ...

dnn - upload an image to portal and use it in html module?

how do i upload an image to the portal and use it in my html of my html module? i have an html module i want to use and part of it is an image. how do i upload to my portal and then reference the url where it is on my server inside my html? ...

dnn- add a mudule to a pane (on all pages) 3rd module from the top of the pane

i am able to add am module in the right pane of all my pages but when i add the original and position it in the middle of 5 already existing modules in the pane and set it to show on all pages it shows as the first module on every page except for the page i added it to originally where it is where i want it. i want it to be the 3rd modul...

Can I Login to DNN site and not have to log in to a seperate site that uses same UN & PW?

i have developed an online tool that requires authentication. The UN & PW will be the same for all the users as their other ones for the regular site. As of now, if they are running on the DNN site, they must relogin if they go to my site. Is there a way to make it so that they remain logged in? Thanks for any help. Let me know if you n...

Easier way to test an existing DNN module?

Each time I want to test the DotNetNuke module I'm working on, I uninstall it from the DNN website host control panel, I zip my module dev folder, and then I reinstall it from the DNN website. Is there any faster way to test my module? ...

Google Double Caches Page Content

Could anyone shed some light as to what is happening here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oLxRPeL11FAJ:www.mark-it-hot.com/who-we-are.aspx+mark+it+hot&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a ? For whatever reason on random sites Google caches parts of the code/site twice. I spent a good deal o...

DotNetNuke - Content Scheduling

Hi, Do you know of a module that let you publish content (via HTML PRO module or whatever) on a certain time and date? (example: 1.3.2011 at 2:43pm) I know that there is a built in option for content scheduling by date, not by time. I know you can do it with the Announcements Module. (But you can't format the output so I can't use it....

Set DNN LogIn Module Horizontal

Hello. I'm working with DNN (DotNetNuke) and I have to change the default login module. This module it's vertical by default, by don't know how to set it horizontal. Already tryied to find the sources of this module but all I found were some Local Resources Files and some VB files. Any idea???? Thanks!! ...

How to customize DNN Logout module??

Hello. I would like to know if there's a way to customize the logout button of DNN. Thanks. ...

How to add a Lightbox to a custom DotNetNuke module

I'm working on a custom DotNetNuke module which requires the use of Lightbox. What's the best way to add the javascript necessary for Lightbox to a DNN module? Nearly all the solutions I've seen involve adding the javascript references to the skin file. Is there another way to accomplish this? I'd hate to have those javascript files ...

Won't download PDF from DNN usercontrol

Hi, I'm trying to get add a link to a DNN usercontrol where when the user clicks it they can download a particular PDF. The code in my link click event is: Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename=\"" + "fileName" + "\"")); Response.BinaryWri...

Problems with DNN and Telerik - Could not load type

I have problem with building DNN portal which have TELERIK included. Problem is bellow: Error 107 Could not load type 'DNNMasters.CB.Telerik.WebControls.Spell.DialogHandler'. D:\DNN\DNN-5.4.04\DesktopModules\DNNMasters.CB.ArticleBrowser\RadControls\Spell\Telerik.Spell.DialogHandler.aspx 1 ...

Which is the best FREE DNN Chat Module

Because the official dnn chat module is very outdated ...

DotNetNuke: Conditional logic for displaying menu items

Hi guys! I am new to DotNetNuke, but I'm an experienced web admin and programmer. I have an ASP .NET website / web application that I want to integrate into DNN 5 so I can easily add / modify content, etc. My existing site uses it's own login system to display user information. I have successfully placed (using iframes) all of my exist...

ASP.NET UpdatePanel library reference errors

I am having a problem with VS 2010 apparently losing it's ability to load an UpdatePanel in the middle of development and it is driving me crazy. I am using VS2010 and building a user control with .NET 3.5, targeting DNN 5.x. I have created a control to be used on a DNN website that utilizes an update panel. When I develop the control...

Better blog module than DNN's blog module

Hi, Does anyone know of a much better blog module than the one that comes with DNN. We have found it VERY frustrating using the standard DNN module and need something that's going to be easier for our clients to use. Thanks :) ...

How to disable DNN module caching?

Hi I'm trying to customize DNN Html/Text module in following way: it should be invisible if there are specific parameter values in query string. The problem is if it gets rendered at once, it becomes visible always. I have run the web application in debug mode and found out that control Page_Load method is even not executed (other page ...

Dot Net Nuke - Using AD Provider

I'm having a hard time trying to use the DNN AD provider to authenticate my users on my DNN Site 4.9.5. I have installed the AD Module 1.0.6 and want users to be automatically authenticated and signed in but I just cant get it working. If I navigate to the windowssignon.aspx page then DNN does create a user account with a random generat...